EpiButton EpiBinding?

What does it mean for an EpiButton to have an EpiBinding?

For example, this native button in Project Entry


has an EpiBinding called “Project.ProjectIDButton”


but that doesn’t appear in the drop-down list for the DataViews, as if it were a column.

So what does this EpiBinding represent, or what does it do?

If I create a custom button, what would happen if I bound it to a DataView column?

If the “Project.ProjectIDButton” is some under-the-hood object within Epicor, could I develop such a process on my own and bind it to a button or other custom control?

Mostly that’s just used for properties like “Enabled” etc. to gray out the button when it’s not available. Otherwise, binding to a button doesn’t really do anything.

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Interesting, thanks. I ask because I’m working on a customization of Project Entry, and I see this native button “Create Project Job”


with this EpiBinding


I would guess that the binding enables the functionality of the button to add new jobs to the project automatically with the data entered beneath (we don’t use that exact process in my company, so I’m not certain).

But if I clear the binding, is that button now free for me to do whatever I want with it?

No, the button does stuff when you click it. The binding has nothing to do with that code. A button doesn’t need to be bound to work.

The binding is what’s making that button grayed out when there is nothing loaded.

I would suggest you do NOT re-use random buttons you find in the application. Make your own button.