EpiBinding Not Working

Hello, I added a ud field to the table NonConf I want to now link the text box to that field so the values saved are stored under NonConf.NCRNumber_c however it wont bind what am i doing wrong

Can you explain what you are trying to accomplish?
I don’t think you’ll want to change bindings for the Key fields… possibly add a new control and bind that to your UD instead?

Hello ideally i was trying to make a blank custom form and start adding fields to replicate our current NCR database and then linking the text fields to customer UD fields added against the NonConf table

Have you already downloaded these guides from Epicor?

  • Epicor ICE 3.0 Customization User Guide
  • Epicor ICE 3.x Tools User Guide

You should be able to do something like that but… you won’t want to mess the key bindings - Instead you’d could populate the keys UniqueID, CustNum, OrderNum, etc…
Should be somewhat routine but… a fair amount of detail involved.

So… I’d recommend going slow, start getting your schema laid out before you begin any actual customizing. My experience is that Epicor is NOT intuitive and when people jump in before they’re really familiar with the business logic, tools, business logic, etc … they tend to end up with a bit of a mess…myself included (which they can end up regretting for years).