Engineering Changes Email Alerts, Kinetic Cloud

I am trying to send emails when an Eng Change Group Has been Approved and Checked in
so I can advise some users automatically with info of Part and Revision
Can a kind Member spell out the instructions.

It’s best to start something like this by enabling the trace log and then forcing the event to happen (approve a EC Group in your case). Then in the log you can see which BO methods fire, and that will guide you to which to make a BMP on. Those logs can also show you what data is being passed to the BO method, so you’ll know if it’ll have what you need.

Since you’re looking to do something AFTER the system has done its things, you’ll probably want to use a Post-Process Method directive. Which one to use will apparent in the trace log from above. Once in there you can add an email widget which you can setup with info like the Part#, Rev ECO GroupID, etc.