Enabling Customization for MES

I have looked up how to enable customization for MES but none of it seems to work for me. What I see people saying is you need to copy your MES shortcut and edit the target in the properties. In some cases they say to find -MES and change it to -MESC, in others they say to add /MESC to the target.

My target does not have -MES and I have added /MESC in all the ways I could think of, just adding it at the end and adding it like ‘/MESC’ and other little things but it never works as described.

right now my target says
“C:\Program Files\Parallels\Client\TSClient.exe” s!=‘deshazo.epicorhosting.com’ t!=‘8010’ d!=‘epicorhosting’ u!=‘99680.bkoch’ a!=‘#8’ m!=‘0’ o!=‘0’ i!=‘Deshazo’ r!=‘1’

I’ve also tried change stuff like the m! and r! but it didn’t do anything I could see. If anyone knows how to do this help would be much appreciated!

You are SaaS that’s a different beast altogether, call support.

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I was hoping to avoid having to do a webx with our consultants but I guess I’ll have to do that.

This is something that can be easily fixed I believe from support you shouldn’t have to make a web ex and all that. (Hopefully)
It is simply a different shortcut, but since you are SaaS you use a terminal server connection to the Epicor Client, they just need to set you up for Customizing MES.

Can’t speak to the saas implications but as Jose said, it’s just a shortcut
on local installs.

Normal mes has -MES flag in shortcut, while customized version uses -MESC