Power Point Slides:
Epicor REST and Functions.pptx (3.4 MB)
Here are some of the resources and examples covered in the EMUG meeting for 2/21/2025 on the topic of REST and Epicor Functions.
Tool | URL | Purpose |
Postman | https://www.postman.com/ | Free (as in beer) tool to exercise HTTP Verbs |
Classic Trace Helper | Trace Helper Utility for Epicor ERP 10 | Utility to help you read / parse traces done in classic client |
Kinetic Web Trace Utility | Kinetic Trace Helper Utility 1.0 (Kinetic Web) Chrome Extension | Chrome Extension to help you trace Epicor on the Web |
REST Nuget Library | Epicor Rest Helper (Nuget) Updated V3 | C# Library to make calling and interacting with Epicor REST a breeze |
NMP Node Rest Library | Epicor Rest Helper for Node (npm) V1 | Node Library to make interacting with Epicor Rest a breeze from Node |
Angular Rest Library | Epicor Rest Helper for Angular (NPM ) V1 | Angular Library to make working with Epicor Rest and Angular easy |
Excel with Params REST | Pull REST data into Excel based on values on excel? - #24 by amurdock | Amazing Excel tool by @amurdock which allows you to run REST BAQs directly from Excel while passing in dynamic parameters and filters. |
C# Example for Calling an Epicor BAQ
using EpicorRestAPI;
EpicorRest restClient = new EpicorRest();
restClient.AppPoolHost = "your.epicor.server";
restClient.AppPoolInstance = "YourEpicorInstance";
restClient.UserName = "epicor"; //username for epicor
restClient.Password = "epicor"; //password for epicor
restClient.Company = "EPIC06"; //Your Company ID
restClient.CallSettings = new CallSettings("EPIC06", "MfgSys", "eng-us", "");
restClient.APIKey = "YourEpicorApiKeyGoesHere";
var baqResult =restClient.BaqGet("zCustomer01");
Node Example
Calling a BAQ and spinning a web server that will execute ANY BAQ passed in to the URL as
import { EpicorRestService } from "epicor-rest-node";
import express from 'express';
let EpicorRestApi = new EpicorRestService();
EpicorRestApi.AppPoolHost = "Your.Epicor.Server";
EpicorRestApi.AppPoolInstance ="EpicorInstance";
EpicorRestApi.UserName="epicor"; //Your Epicor Username
EpicorRestApi.Password="epicor"// Your Epicor Password
EpicorRestApi.Company="EDU06"; //Your Epicor Company ID
//Execute BAQ and print the results
EpicorRestApi.BaqGet('zCustomer01')?.then((data:any) => {
console.log(JSON.stringify(data.data, null, 2));
}).catch((error) => {
// Spin an Express Server and respond to any dynamic BAQ
const app = express();
const port = 3000;
app.get('/baq/:myBaq', async (req, res) => {
const myBaq = req.params.myBaq;
try {
const data = await EpicorRestApi.BaqGet(myBaq);
} catch (error:any) {
app.listen(port, () => {
console.log(`Server is running at http://localhost:${port}`);
Calling REST from a Classic Customization
You need to bring in these helper DLLs
Execute a Function in the Client using Rest Helper
var _restClient = new RestClientBuilder().UseSession(oTrans.CoreSession).Build();
var functionContent = new RestContent(new { iPhrase = "hey There" });
var functionResponse = _restClient.Function.Post("FunFunction", "MyHelloFunction", functionContent, published: false);
var functionResult = functionResponse.GetAnonymousResult(new { oSuccess = false, oMessage = "" });