Embedded dashboard with PDF viewer

So I added an embedded dashboard to get a URL view on a specific tab. It follows along the row that you are on which is great. One small issue is these stupid bars that acrobat puts on the sides. After you go to a line and the print shows up you can put it into reading mode (cntrl+h) but then as soon as you click on another line those bars come back. Does anyone know of a way to reduce the amount of junk that shows up by default?

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Each user can stop using the options that Nathan sent. You can probably set the view in the link also.



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So it took me a while to figure out how to get to the preferences, because within E-10 they don’t show up. (it’s Cntl+k in case anyone is wondering). That works for the tool bar on the right, but not the bookmarks on the left. Any tips on that?

Greg, the parameters look like they might work. I’ll read through that and see what I can find.

Thanks for the help.


So I tried out the parameters. I added #pagemode=none&zoom=fit. That works great in the run time. Seems buggy when testing out the dashboard as an assembly (works sometimes but not always), and then when I add the sheet with a customization. it just comes up with a gray screen every time. It blinks, and you can see every once in a while it blinks the print, but then goes gray, so there’s something goofy in the how it’s handling the parameters. I played around with the parameters with combinations and whatnot, but it doesn’t seem to matter.

@Banderson do you know how to set adobe as the default pdf viewer in the URL view? Mine only opens with Chrome. I tried setting Adobe as the default pdf viewer on my computer but it still only uses Chrome.

When you open a PDF on your computer outside of epicor does it use a browser?

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@Banderson Thanks for the reply! It did before I changed adobe to the default. Now opening pdfs outside of epicor only opens in adobe.

I’m assuming you restarted epicor? (if not your whole computer?)

I don’t really know anything more specific than what you just did. So I’m just guessing that there is a setting that needs to be changed, and won’t get changed until you reload the program.

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Haha, yeah I restarted my computer, still no dice. Just stumbled across this post when I saw you had adobe for yours and thought maybe there was an additional setting I missed.

So what exactly is it doing? Viewing the PDF in the embedded Browser? Or popping out a new window?

Viewing pdf in embedded dashboard. Right now I’m just testing it out wanting to use the signing capabilities of adobe. I’m pointing right to the file with no baq.