Has anyone encountered an issue when upgrading forms with embedded dashboards that subscribe to the form on 10.2.5.
I have a dashboard that’s works on 10.1.6., but not on 10.2.5.
I have a dashboard embedded in part entry and previously it only refreshed when partnum is populated. It is now firing when ‘Add New Part’ is added and partnum is empty.
This causes a very large time consuming query to run as there is no filter on the dashboard.
I tried using the option of having a ‘Retrieve’ button (i.e. not AutoRun) , but keep getting an ‘Object Not Set To Instance of Object’ error.
Hi, we are planning to migrate from to 10.2.500.16 and are experiencing this same issue with most of our customized screens containing auto-load embedded dashboards. It seems that it tries to load data when we clear the screen or switch to a new record (Im guessing the clearing of screen in between) and since there is no parameter, it queries with no primary filter, and makes the screen often not responsive for long delays. The ones with Retrieve button seem OK though.
We are currently replacing the dashboards with BAQViews and that seem to solve, but what a pain! We have so many screens having them.