Email Notification BPM for new parts

Sorry if this is a dumb post, but i am trying to create a BPM that kicks out an email for any part numbers that were created that day. I found the “Created On” date in the Parts table, but i can get to it using a BPM. Anybody know how to get to that or am i missing the obvious?

are you only wanting to run this one time per day? How about an Epicor FUNCTION that is triggered once per day (1:00 am) that selects all the items with “yesterday’s date” and sends the email? Yes this should be possible. A Function is simply a more advanced BPM that can be scheduled.


That would be great!

my other suggestion that I have made many times is to do something better than an email…

  • Emails turn into clutter
  • people often put filters on and auto filter out the clutter… resulting in people not looking at the email


  • create a new dashboard that has a date filter at the top. The date would be something that the user can enter
  • THEN make it the responsibility for someone to look at the dashboard on a regular basis… if they forget to do it today, then the tomorrow, they can enter the date several days ago, and see all the parts on one list.
  • ALSO… at this point this dashboard becomes a list of action items… the user can right-click on the parts and look deeper.
  • BUT EMAILS… they are NOT right-clickable. They are only read only. but your dashboard could show more data, and be clickable and actively update. They could show things like “total orders” or “Total on hand” which would update when the user runs the dashboard.

Meme Reaction GIF by Robert E Blackmon

Oh my goodness that’s a lot. That seems like a big process

While all of this is true. Scheduled functions do not forget to send themselves.

We just need to solve the right clickable which in the future would be the url to your system including the part number so it loads in part entry.

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The baq and dashboard would be simpler than a daily email, but you could do both.

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Create a standard data directive when a new part is added

Now, let’s step back for a moment. Why are we sending an email when a part is added? I assume that it is to check to make sure that it was set up properly? Instead of launching a manual process, why not do some of the checking up front and set Data Tags for the things that are wrong. Now you can have dashboards that filter on those data tags for just the items that someone has to fix, and like @timshuwy says, the user can right mouse click, fix it, and the data directive would remove the data tag.

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Here is the million dollar question: How do I do any of this stuff you fine people are mentioning???

Here’s the $2 Million question: What are you trying to do? And why?

I am trying to send an alert to our materials team when a new part number is made so they can order what they need.

You mean like a PO suggestion for a buyer?

How do they know how much to buy? Are you a project shop or have long lead time parts? Are these parts ordered again? If so, how does materials know how much to order?

BTW, that was super useful information. I heard everybody’s mind shift into a different gear. :wink:

So we buy parts in bulk and cut them to length. We order a 6 foot bar of aluminum and chop it up and backflush the remainder. We build data center cages, so the length, width, and height get plugged into excel and results spit out telling them how many total bars to buy.


What Epicor modules do you have? Are these configured or smart parts or are you making up new parts daily?

Are the jobs getting created after this spreadsheet is done for materials?

I think you can combine the new parts, excel calculation and job creation into one dashboard and then assuming you have po suggestions the buyers will get their info thru the buyers workbench.

Good Morning!

  1. Module Name Licensed Enabled
    .NET References Support TRUE TRUE
    AccountsPayable TRUE TRUE
    AccountsReceivable TRUE TRUE
    ActualCosting FALSE FALSE
    ADPPayrollIntegration FALSE FALSE
    AdvancedAllocations TRUE TRUE
    AdvancedConfigurator TRUE TRUE
    AdvancedCostManagement TRUE TRUE
    AdvancedEstimatingAndPricing FALSE FALSE
    AdvancedInventoryManagement TRUE TRUE
    AdvancedMaterialManagement TRUE TRUE
    AdvancedPackageControl FALSE FALSE
    AdvancedPlanningAndScheduling TRUE TRUE
    AdvancedProduction FALSE FALSE
    AdvancedPurchasing TRUE TRUE
    AdvancedUnitOfMeasure FALSE FALSE
    AdvancePrintArchiving FALSE FALSE
    AdvancePrinting TRUE TRUE
    Any Database Server TRUE TRUE
    APPositivePay TRUE TRUE
    ARLockbox TRUE TRUE
    AssetManagement FALSE FALSE
    AttachmentsForSharePoint TRUE TRUE
    AutoLabelPrintControl TRUE TRUE
    AvalaraSalesTaxForGenericImportProcess TRUE TRUE
    BusinessProcessManagement TRUE TRUE
    CaseManagement TRUE TRUE
    ChannelPartner FALSE FALSE
    Communication Channel: COM TRUE TRUE
    Communication Channel: File TRUE TRUE
    Communication Channel: FTP TRUE TRUE
    Communication Channel: HTTP TRUE TRUE
    Communication Channel: IBM MQ Series TRUE TRUE
    Communication Channel: MSMQ TRUE TRUE
    Communication Channel: RabbitMQ TRUE TRUE
    Communication Channel: SMTP TRUE TRUE
    Communication Channel: Sonic MQ Series TRUE TRUE
    Communication Channel: Windows Service Bus TRUE TRUE
    Configurator TRUE TRUE
    ConsolidatedPayment TRUE TRUE
    ConsolidatedPurchasing TRUE TRUE
    ConsumerConfigurator FALSE FALSE
    ContractRenewal FALSE FALSE
    CreditCardProcessing TRUE TRUE
    CustomerConfigurator FALSE FALSE
    CustomerConnectStoreFront FALSE FALSE
    CustomerManagedInventory TRUE TRUE
    CustomerRelationshipManagement TRUE TRUE
    Data Exchange Server TRUE TRUE
    DataManagementTool TRUE TRUE
    DealerNetworkManagement FALSE FALSE
    DeferredRevenue TRUE TRUE
    DocumentManagement TRUE TRUE
    DynamicAttributes TRUE TRUE
    DynamicDocuments TRUE TRUE
    EdiDemandManagement FALSE FALSE
    EdiVantage80x FALSE FALSE
    Education TRUE TRUE
    EducationERPStandardAndEnterprise FALSE FALSE
    EducationExpress FALSE FALSE
    EducationSLS FALSE FALSE
    Engineering TRUE TRUE
    English (UK) TRUE TRUE
    EnhancedQualityAssurance TRUE TRUE
    Enterprise TRUE TRUE
    EnterpriseSearchPremium FALSE FALSE
    EnterpriseSocialPremium FALSE FALSE
    Epicor Data Discovery Basic TRUE TRUE
    Epicor Everywhere Framework Users TRUE TRUE
    Epicor Service Connect Standalone TRUE TRUE
    EpicorCollaborate TRUE TRUE
    EpicorCommerceConnectConsumer FALSE FALSE
    EpicorCommerceConnectCustomer FALSE FALSE
    EpicorCommerceConnectSupplier FALSE FALSE
    EpicorElectronicReports FALSE FALSE
    EpicorEverywhereFramework TRUE TRUE
    EpicorIoTConnector FALSE FALSE
    EPT for Employee Payroll Direct Deposit – US ACH TRUE TRUE
    EPT for Positive Pay TRUE TRUE
    EstimateQuoteManagement TRUE TRUE
    ExecutiveDashboard TRUE TRUE
    ExpenseManagement FALSE FALSE
    ExpressShip FALSE FALSE
    ExternalCRMIntegration FALSE FALSE
    ExternalPayrollIntegration TRUE TRUE
    FieldServiceManagement FALSE FALSE
    FoodBeverage FALSE FALSE
    FSMIntegration FALSE FALSE
    GeneralLedger TRUE TRUE
    GlobalUsers TRUE TRUE
    Handheld TRUE TRUE
    IntegratedFieldService FALSE FALSE
    InventoryManagement TRUE TRUE
    iScala Admin Console TRUE TRUE
    iScala Business Object Model Version TRUE TRUE
    JobManagement TRUE TRUE
    KineticPreview FALSE FALSE
    LandedCostContainerTracking FALSE FALSE
    LocationManagement FALSE FALSE
    MaintenanceManagement FALSE FALSE
    MaterialRequirementsPlanning TRUE TRUE
    MESDataCollection TRUE TRUE
    MobileConnectAndroid FALSE FALSE
    MobileConnectiOS FALSE FALSE
    MobileFieldService FALSE FALSE
    MultiCurrencyManagement FALSE FALSE
    MultiLevelEngineering TRUE TRUE
    MultiLevelJob TRUE TRUE
    MultiLevelQuote TRUE TRUE
    Multiple Installation Support TRUE TRUE
    Multiple server support TRUE TRUE
    MultipleBooks FALSE FALSE
    MultipleDivision TRUE TRUE
    MultipleWarehouse TRUE TRUE
    MultisiteFinancials FALSE FALSE
    MultiSiteGLJournals TRUE TRUE
    MultiSiteManagement TRUE TRUE
    MultiSitePublish TRUE TRUE
    MultiTenant TRUE TRUE
    OrderManagement TRUE TRUE
    PackOutManagement TRUE TRUE
    PaymentInstruments TRUE TRUE
    Payroll FALSE FALSE
    Payroll 3rd Party Interface TRUE TRUE
    PeriodicAverageCosting FALSE FALSE
    PettyCash TRUE TRUE
    Pharma FALSE FALSE
    PlanningByRevision FALSE FALSE
    Productization FALSE FALSE
    ProjectBilling FALSE FALSE
    ProjectManagement FALSE FALSE
    PurchaseContracts FALSE FALSE
    PurchaseManagement TRUE TRUE
    QualityAssurance TRUE TRUE
    RebatesPromotionsAndRoyalties FALSE FALSE
    RecipeAuthoring FALSE FALSE
    ReplicationServer FALSE FALSE
    REST Operations Support TRUE TRUE
    RohsWeeeManagement TRUE TRUE
    Scheduling TRUE TRUE
    SdkRuntime FALSE FALSE
    ShippingReceiving TRUE TRUE
    SingleLevelEngineering TRUE TRUE
    SlsAssessmentsAndFormsDesigner FALSE FALSE
    SlsClinicalCare FALSE FALSE
    SlsCommunityServices FALSE FALSE
    SlsICareIntegration FALSE FALSE
    SlsOnlineClaimingForResidentialManagement FALSE FALSE
    SlsOutboundEdiInterface FALSE FALSE
    SlsResidentialManagement FALSE FALSE
    SupplierManagedInventory TRUE TRUE
    SupplierRelationshipManagement TRUE TRUE
    Surveys FALSE FALSE
    TaxConnect TRUE TRUE
    TaxConnectST TRUE TRUE
    TaxConnectUT TRUE TRUE
    ThirdPartyWMSIntegration FALSE FALSE
    TimeManagement FALSE FALSE
    Unicode TRUE TRUE
    Unlimited Number of companies TRUE TRUE
    VerticalizationCreator FALSE FALSE
    VisionEpicorFinancials FALSE FALSE
    Visual Email Builder TRUE TRUE
    WCF Integration TRUE TRUE
    Web Services Support TRUE TRUE
    Web-based Task Monitor TRUE TRUE
    Windows Workflow Foundation Runtime TRUE TRUE
    Workflow Designer Users TRUE TRUE
    Workflow Editor TRUE TRUE
    Workflow Element: .NET Call TRUE TRUE
    Workflow Element: Break TRUE TRUE
    Workflow Element: Choice TRUE TRUE
    Workflow Element: Condition TRUE TRUE
    Workflow Element: Connector TRUE TRUE
    Workflow Element: Conversion TRUE TRUE
    Workflow Element: DB Operation TRUE TRUE
    Workflow Element: Finish TRUE TRUE
    Workflow Element: Manager TRUE TRUE
    Workflow Element: Poster TRUE TRUE
    Workflow Element: Requester TRUE TRUE
    Workflow Element: REST Operation TRUE TRUE
    Workflow Element: Splitter TRUE TRUE
    Workflow Element: Start TRUE TRUE
    Workflow Element: Task TRUE TRUE
    Workflow Element: Web Method TRUE TRUE
    Workflow Element: Workflow Call TRUE TRUE
    Workflow Element: Workflow Foundation Integration TRUE TRUE

  2. We are a made to order shop, so we do create new part numbers pretty much daily.

  3. Yes, the jobs are for materials. Drilling, cutting, etc

I would love to do up a buyers workbench but my skills are a bit lacking :slight_smile:

so you have the configurator module. Have you looked at setting up fewer top line parts and make them configurable? Not at all what you asked about, but it could be game changing for your company.

When I started here we had hundreds of custom parts that literally were the same RJ45 or fiber patch cord just in different lengths and colors and they made jobs by hand and prints of them even though they were 70% sure they would never make that part for that customer ever again. I wrote a configurator in our previous ERP to make one part that could be any length or color and took job creation down to under a minute. We bought the configurator module for that division, but they got sold and I never have used it.

The buyers workbench I would think is in purchase management or advanced purchasing, so it would just happen when po suggestions are made.

Again, none of this I have done in Epicor, but I believe it is possible.