Email invoices to multiple emails

Is there a way to have more than one email for Customer invoices?


Yes, but it requires customization. There is no out of the box way to do this.

You can manually do it using the email function in the print dialog, but I am assuming you are asking for APR.

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What do you mean? Like a manual task agent submit with the email addresses in it for APR?

I think you can do semicolon separated.

i tried that but it says it it too long :frowning:

Just added an idea for a add to list control that would make things like this much easier to pull off. It’s very do-able, but to do it clean takes quite a bit of work.


I added check boxes to the contact forms for Customer and Supplier and called out the automated reports that you can send. If you want someone to always be copied on the report type, you select it. Then APR checks who the primary is and skips them and checks all other contacts to see if anyone is flagged to receive the report. It loops through and adds all contacts to the email.


NOBODY seems to like this solution but…

Create a distribution list.



In Epicor?

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For specific customers yuck. Ask the system admin guys to work with the network admin guys, you’re crazy

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works for a small company where the ERP admin is also the Email admin I guess. :wink:


No Net Admin is going to give you customer specific dist lists. That is absolutely going to have to be an Epicor side fix. I like @jkane 's solution.

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Says my net admin… see @Mark_Wonsil dead before it got off the ground!

Ive been instructed :wink: that I ACTUALLY like @jgiese.wci 's idea. (had to sign into the Ideas portal to even read it so that was a TLDR situation) Honestly though I could make some pretty powershell crap happen and get you a synced set of distribution lists but that would be a bigger waste.

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In your email system. In O365, this could be an O365 Group, a Team, or an Email Group in Exchange Online.

I wouldn’t dump it entirely on IT though. There are ways to do this with PowerShell and maybe MS Graph. :thinking:

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Where is @timshuwy this sounds like a job for Automation Studio! Still needs a good UI to back the data collection portion though… PSA: If anyone is interested in free pizza at Insights sign up here!


Of course not! Only on-prem admins do stuff by hand! :rofl:

Then again, there are a lot of devs who change BPM or APR code every time there’s a new email address. :person_facepalming:

The job belongs to the person who knows the data the best. What I would like to do is to use PowerShell or MS Graph to create empty distribution list (that the devs name to use later in APR or BPMs) and the users will populate them. Fortunately, Azure Functions can use PowerShell. That means one could use Josh’s fancy Angular example right in a web page that would update the distribution list through an Azure Function without asking admins or devs.

BTW, for those worried about GDPR and removing people from your system and backups, the distribution list contains ZERO PII. Don’t have to delete things you don’t store…

Automation STudio can be used to build out really cool emails that can send to multiple people and automate stuff.

Sample email with active buttons… one customer wanted to have this this type of email sent out to multiple people on multiple approval paths.


Why on gods green earth would you do this though? You end up with hundreds or thousands of distribution groups potentially in your Azure account. Why wouldnt this just be done completely within Epicor and just fire off from a UD table stored record set or something. I must be missing something as to why Distribution lists for customers make ANY sense here.

We do a solution similar to jkane. We have checbox on Contact that says “Billing Contact : true/ false” IF True we have a directive that goes and appends/ rebuilds the distribution email field stored at the Customer header table
Customer.EmailInvoicesTo nvarchar(max)

We just add / remove / rebuild that field as the checkboxes change and then use that field to send the emails all at once. So its a “distribution list” (of sorts) stored in Customer header record.