Is there any way in 10.1.400 to make available the “envelope” to send email when using a custom form in crystal report?
No that feature is only available in SSRS.
Thanks, Jose. Any other work around? Maybe a BPM?
The APM product from Altec can accomplish this. It can be configured to grab an email address from the report and route it to that address automatically - very slick.
Cost of product itself: greater than zero but lots of productivity time saved.
Also, I know that PDFCreator (but, I’m sure there are others) can be used to “print” to a PDF printer that can be configured to send an email with that rendered PDF report file as an attachment. It’s a lot of manual futzing each time a user needs to send out an email like this.
Cost of product: zero but lots of lost productivity with the manual futzing each time to email something.
I also think that document sender (an Epicor product) can do this if I am not mistaken
:’( I have failed @Edge by not being familiar with all of the previous Dot Net IT products. That also looks like a great solution to this as well.
I am sure he’ll spank you at insights… You are welcome for that visual
And FUTURE Epicor products as I’m sure docSTAR (in 10.1.600) can do the same as well.
All future reporting functionality is focused on SSRS not Crystal.
The docSTAR integration in 10.1.600+ can be used with Crystal insofar as any file can be used with docSTAR, but there isn’t a built in mechanism to render a Crystal report to PDF to docSTAR to email.
I’ve asked my CAM about docStar, but he is struggling to find out any info regards costing and integration.
We’re looking to scan and OCR incoming AP Invoices, and unload them directly to ERP 10.1. I’ve looked at other products such as Docuware and ancoradocs, but both would need to either use DMT to import or have code written. The docStar thing seems interesting if it already has these integrations built?
We have a different document storage system now which is old and out of date. We will definitely be looking at docStar at Insights.
We’ve had the license for APM but never implemented. We’re also going to
be looking at docStar at insights instead to implement.