Electronic interface file for Canadian EFT payments

We are trying to pay suppliers using EFT batches and need to generate text files from Epicor. I am looking for the correct electronic interface file to generate the standard 80-byte file used by Canadian banks. Does anyone know if there is an EI file in Epicor that matches the 80-byte format?

There seems to be several files for US ACH payments, NACHA format, and other country-specific formats for Germany, Denmark, Japan, Finland, New Zealand, etc. etc. but nothing for Canada. Does every Canadian user have to program a custom EI file?

We had CSG create one for us to generate a TD specific file about 4 years ago. Not sure if an out of the box one is available now or not.

Thanks, if I can’t find an out of the box one, we’ll have to do the same.

You can customize one as per the bank’s requirement