EFX Testing From the Screen

This came up in a lot of classes this last week so I have pinned this topic.

PSA. It is very possible and will save a ton of time and frustration. Handles published and unpublished libraries. PM me if you want a copy of the customization it will require some altering. @josecgomez has his updated for older versions of Kinetic. It will require


My exported customization for this.
UI.EfxLibraryMaintenance.EfxMainForm_Customization_WCI_EfxLibraryMaint_v1_CustomExport.xml (34.5 KB)

Still gauging interest get those votes in!


I voted last year. Do I need to log in to my alt accounts and bump up those rookie numbers?


My fingers are crossed that it’s included in the Kinetic Browser version. It would be easier to do in there from their perspective without a doubt.

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@klincecum is the new user of this customization, it gives him goosebumps.


He was the first to comment on it, and had no idea about it LOL.

I should add to this, there is a limitation with things marked “Internal” because this is round robin through the API to ensure function that way you have to unmark something as Internal to use this with it.

Also have learned that in the Ecf.EfxFunctionSignature they have a column for default values that can be utilized if you so choose. I hope they someday implement these as a feature

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