Editing or Viewing Adapters


I have the following code:

	DataSet dsCustomerAdapter = SearchFunctions.listLookup(oTrans, *"CustomerAdapter"*, out recSelected, showSearchWindow, whereClause);
	if (recSelected)
		int custNum=0;

		System.Data.DataRow adapterRow = dsCustomerAdapter.Tables[0].Rows[0];

		// Map Search Fields to Application Fields
        	if (!int.TryParse(adapterRow["CustNum"].ToString(), out custNum)) custNum = 0;
			if (custNum > 0) 
				numericCustNum.Value = custNum;
					txtCustID.Text = adapterRow["CustId"].ToString();
					if (string.Compare(lastCustID, txtCustID.Text.Trim(), true)!=0)
						lastCustID = txtCustID.Text;
						btnSearch_Click(txtCustID, new System.EventArgs());

I do not have any errors, however, when the code is run, it just keep going and not returning any results. What I would like to know, how do I view or edit the “CustomerAdapter” adapter to see if it needs to be corrected as it is coming from E9 to E10??


When you are in the Customization Tools Dialog, select Tools/Object Explorer. You can go through the adapters here.

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I’m having difficulty understanding. What you are trying to accomplish (not how you are trying to solve your issue, but what is your business need here)?