Can anyone send sample code on the subject or help me out with the following
Summary of code.based on PartTran.JobNum get record of JobHead.JobNum using
adaptor JobEntry and perform an edit and update on JobHead.Number01
Private Sub PartTran_AfterFieldChange(ByVal sender As object,
ByVal args As DataColumnChangeEventArgs) Handles
'// ** Argument Properties and Uses **
'// args.Row("[FieldName]")
'// args.Column, args.ProposedValue, args.Row
'Add Event Handler Code
Select Case args.Column.ColumnName
Case "TranQty"
Dim JNtext As string =
If JNText <> "" Then
Dim [adpJobEntry] As JobEntryAdapter = New
Dim jobnumber As string =
Dim TQty As Integer =
[edvPartTran].dataView([edvPartTran].Row)("TranQty") '// Current value of
PartTran's TranQty
Dim pCriteriaField as String = "JobNum"
Dim pCodeSearch as String = JobNumber
Dim TableName As String = [adpJobEntry].PrimaryTableName
' get the table name received from adapter
Dim [JobEntryRecord] As Data.DataSet =
[adpJobEntry].GetData(pCodeSearch) ' perform a query of value "RA"
Dim catTable As DataTable =
Dim catView As DataView = New DataView(catTable, "",
pCriteriaField, DataViewRowState.CurrentRows)
Dim JobEntry As String = JobEntryForm.Session.JobNum
Dim rowIndex As Integer = catView.Find(pCodeSearch)
'if rowIndex = -1, then it is not in the return dataset.
If rowindex > -1 Then '// Job Enrty Drives PartTran if
job number is
'// in Job Entry table
'// Update value of JobEntry.Number01 and allow
TranQty Inventory update if RunTotal <= JobHead.ProdQty
'// TranQty or TQty = JobHead.Number01 + TranQty
Dim Num01 As Integer = catView(rowIndex)("Number01")
Dim ProdQty As Integer =
Dim RunTotal As Integer = TQty + Num01
If RunTotal <= ProdQty Then
adpJobEntry.JobEntryData.Tables("JobEntry").Rows(rowIndex)("Number01") =
Dim result1 As DialogResult =
MessageBox.Show("Quantity being Received is GREATER than Production Quantity
for this Job Number", "URGENT WARNING", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)
If result1 =
System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes Then
adpJobEntry.JobEntryData.Tables("JobEntry").Rows(rowIndex)("Number01") =
REM adpJobEntry.Update()
REM Else
'// throwing a UIException automatically
clears out the field
'// and reset focus to it.
Throw New UIException()
End If
End If
End If
End If
Case Else
End Select
End Sub
Best Regards,
Herby Dallard
Information Technology Engineer
Endicott Research Group
607-754-9187 ext. 3078 <>
From: Robert Brown [mailto:robertb_versa@...]
Sent: Saturday, October 17, 2009 11:56 AM
To: hdallard@...
Subject: Re: [Vantage] Problem: Checkbox select/deselect in record of
PODetail table triggers checkbox select/deselect
If you only want to read (never write to) Part.character05, it is easy: Open
order entry in developer mode and go into customization. Open Data Tools and
create a new FKV called 'Part' that is linked to native app view OrderDtl.
Select PartNum as the key field to join through and Add the FKV. Save your
customization & you now have read-only access to the entire Part table
within Order Entry.
You CAN also do this via vbNet code by creating a function or subroutine.
(Functions are nice because you can reuse them in the module.)
Private Function GetYourPartFieldFunction(ByVal PartNumber As String)
Dim [adpPart] As PartAdapter = New PartAdapter([SalesOrderForm])
Dim pCriteriaField as String = "PartNum"
Dim pCodeSearch as String = PartNumber
Dim TableName As String = [adpPart].PrimaryTableName ' get the table
name received from adapter
Dim [PartRecord] As Data.DataSet = [adpPart].GetData(pCodeSearch) '
perform a query of value "RA"
Dim catTable As DataTable = PartRecord.Tables(TableName)
Dim catView As DataView = New DataView(catTable, "", pCriteriaField,
Dim rowIndex As Integer = catView.Find(pCodeSearch)
'if rowIndex = -1, then it is not in the return dataset.
Dim GetYourPartField as String = catView(rowIndex)("Character05")
return GetYourPartField
' returns Part.Character05 in DB when you call function GetYourPartFunction
' from OrderDtl triggered event & pass it current record row
End Function
From: Herby Dallard <hdallard@...>
To: Robert Brown <robertb_versa@...>
Sent: Thu, October 15, 2009 2:26:45 PM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Problem: Checkbox select/deselect in record of
PODetail table triggers checkbox select/deselect
Hello Robert.I been tied up on other things..I have another easier problem I
am trying to solve with coding but I need your help on something you said in
your last e-mail; i.e.
Finally, dig into the code examples for the Part Table and copy it into your
code so you have a search by ID link into the part table by defining it as
an added dataview. (You can't write through an easier to establish FKV or
subtable view you might add... They are read only).
Which code example in particular do you mean of the following code snippets:
Calling an Adapters GetRows( ) method using a Where Clause and Binding to a
Private Sub FKVOrderDtl_AfterRowChange(ByVal args As EpiRowChangedArgs)
Handles FKVOrderDtl_Row.EpiRowChanged
'// ** Get DataRowView of Current Row **
Dim drw As DataRowView = args.CurrentView.dataView(args.CurrentRow)
If (drw("TotalShipped") > 0) Then
'// ** initialize and assign variables **
Dim orderNum As Integer = drw("OrderNum")
Dim orderLine As Integer = drw("OrderLine")
Dim whereClause As String
'// construct Where Clause(s) whereClause = "OrderNum = " & orderNum & " AND
OrderLine = " & OrderLine
Dim adapterName As String = "CustShipAdapter"
.... etc.
page 78 & 79 of Embedded Customization Self paced manual
Validating Input
Private Sub Customer_BeforeFieldChange(ByVal sender As object, ByVal args As
DataColumnChangeEventArgs) Handles Customer_Column.ColumnChanging
' 'Add Event Handler Code
' Select Case args.Column.ColumnName
Private Sub FKVOrderDtl_AfterRowChange(ByVal args As EpiRowChangedArgs)
Handles FKVOrderDtl_Row.EpiRowChanged
'// ** Get DataRowView of Current Row **
Dim drw As DataRowView = args.CurrentView.dataView(args.CurrentRow)
If (drw("TotalShipped") > 0) Then '// ** initialize and assign variables **
Dim orderNum As Integer = drw("OrderNum") Dim orderLine As Integer =
Dim whereClause As String
whereClause = "OrderNum = " & orderNum
page 76 to 79 of Embedded Customization Self paced manual
FYI: I want to read part.character05 field into sales order entry form using
part adapter.
Please help ASAC.
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards,
Herby Dallard
Information Technology Engineer
Endicott Research Group
607-754-9187 ext. 3078 <>
From: Robert Brown [mailto:robertb_versa@...]
Sent: Friday, September 25, 2009 4:16 AM
To: hdallard@...
Subject: Re: [Vantage] Problem: Checkbox select/deselect in record of
PODetail table triggers checkbox select/deselect
Haven't forgotten about you Herby... Just been buried the last two weeks.
1st breather I get - which I hope is soon as I'm running out of breath (;o -
I'll see if I have some similar code examples I can forward you.
As a head start, be aware that PO Entry doesn't have the native assemblies
and BO methods to do Part Entry editing. In Customization mode scroll
through BOs and determine what assemblies you need to add to support the
PartAdapter - then add them to PO Entry.
Then copy the code for setting up PartAdapter and add it to the PO Entry
Finally, dig into the code examples for the Part Table and copy it into your
code so you have a search by ID link into the part table by defining it as
an added dataview. (You can't write through an easier to establish FKV or
subtable view you might add... They are read only).
Once all that is done (and it compiles with no errors), whatever determine
what event you want to drive (as the basis of a subroutine) writing any
changes of PODetail.RcvInspectionReq values to Part.Checkbox01 and add the
necessary code to do so within the subroutine.
Not to be nosey, but why use Part.Checkbox01 (versus perhaps changing the
Part.PartClass to one that requires inspection - or poking into the Supplier
Price list table to set its inspection required checkbox for the specific
vendor-part the PO is cut against)?
Rob Brown
From: Herby Dallard < hdallard@... >
To: robertb_versa@...
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 12:44:48 PM
Subject: FW: [Vantage] Problem: Checkbox select/deselect in record of
PODetail table triggers checkbox select/deselect
Best Regards,
Herby Dallard
Information Technology Engineer
Endicott Research Group
607-754-9187 ext. 3078 <>
From: [mailto: ] On Behalf
Of Herby Dallard
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 11:07 AM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Problem: Checkbox select/deselect in record of
PODetail table triggers checkbox select/deselect
robertb_versa@ <>
The specific field is PODetail.RcvInspect ionReq; it's an Inspection
under Purchase Order Entry>Lines> Detail Tab.
I want a deselect / select of PODetail.RcvInspect ionReq to deselect /
select same Part Number record in table.field: Part.Checkbox01 (a created
check box). I know I will have to include an adapter to perform this in dot
net. I am hoping to revise code and avoid reinventing the wheel if someone
has already designed something similar to my request.
We are presently Live on Epicor Vantage 8.03.407
Best Regards,
Herby Dallard
Information Technology Engineer
Endicott Research Group
hdallard@ergpower. com <>
607-754-9187 ext. 3078
www.ergpower. com
From: vantage@yahoogroups .com <>
[mailto:vantage@yahoogroups .com <> ] On
Behalf Of
robertb_versa@ <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 4:59 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups .com <>
Subject: Re: [Vantage] Problem: Checkbox select/deselect in record of
PODetail table triggers checkbox select/des
What specific PO entry dataview boolean fields are you tring to set (&/or
what checkbox controls)?
Also - What version are you on?
PO entry is (one of many) 'works in process' as successive versions have
gone thru significant changes.
--- Original Message ---
From:"Herby Dallard" <hdallard@ergpower. <mailto:hdallard% 40ergpower. com>
Sent:Tue 9/15/09 4:39 pm
To:<vantage@ yahoogroups <mailto:vantage% 40yahoogroups. com> .com>
Subj:[Vantage] Problem: Checkbox select/deselect in record of PODetail table
triggers checkbox select/des
All..I need a dot net code that can behave as outlined in subject. Anyone
who had to perform a similar task and may have used dot net or BPM or
anything please reply ASAC.
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards,
Herby Dallard
Information Technology Engineer
Endicott Research Group
hdallard@ergpower. <mailto:hdallard% 40ergpower. com> com
607-754-9187 ext. 3078
www.ergpower. com
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Summary of code.based on PartTran.JobNum get record of JobHead.JobNum using
adaptor JobEntry and perform an edit and update on JobHead.Number01
Private Sub PartTran_AfterFieldChange(ByVal sender As object,
ByVal args As DataColumnChangeEventArgs) Handles
'// ** Argument Properties and Uses **
'// args.Row("[FieldName]")
'// args.Column, args.ProposedValue, args.Row
'Add Event Handler Code
Select Case args.Column.ColumnName
Case "TranQty"
Dim JNtext As string =
If JNText <> "" Then
Dim [adpJobEntry] As JobEntryAdapter = New
Dim jobnumber As string =
Dim TQty As Integer =
[edvPartTran].dataView([edvPartTran].Row)("TranQty") '// Current value of
PartTran's TranQty
Dim pCriteriaField as String = "JobNum"
Dim pCodeSearch as String = JobNumber
Dim TableName As String = [adpJobEntry].PrimaryTableName
' get the table name received from adapter
Dim [JobEntryRecord] As Data.DataSet =
[adpJobEntry].GetData(pCodeSearch) ' perform a query of value "RA"
Dim catTable As DataTable =
Dim catView As DataView = New DataView(catTable, "",
pCriteriaField, DataViewRowState.CurrentRows)
Dim JobEntry As String = JobEntryForm.Session.JobNum
Dim rowIndex As Integer = catView.Find(pCodeSearch)
'if rowIndex = -1, then it is not in the return dataset.
If rowindex > -1 Then '// Job Enrty Drives PartTran if
job number is
'// in Job Entry table
'// Update value of JobEntry.Number01 and allow
TranQty Inventory update if RunTotal <= JobHead.ProdQty
'// TranQty or TQty = JobHead.Number01 + TranQty
Dim Num01 As Integer = catView(rowIndex)("Number01")
Dim ProdQty As Integer =
Dim RunTotal As Integer = TQty + Num01
If RunTotal <= ProdQty Then
adpJobEntry.JobEntryData.Tables("JobEntry").Rows(rowIndex)("Number01") =
Dim result1 As DialogResult =
MessageBox.Show("Quantity being Received is GREATER than Production Quantity
for this Job Number", "URGENT WARNING", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)
If result1 =
System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes Then
adpJobEntry.JobEntryData.Tables("JobEntry").Rows(rowIndex)("Number01") =
REM adpJobEntry.Update()
REM Else
'// throwing a UIException automatically
clears out the field
'// and reset focus to it.
Throw New UIException()
End If
End If
End If
End If
Case Else
End Select
End Sub
Best Regards,
Herby Dallard
Information Technology Engineer
Endicott Research Group
607-754-9187 ext. 3078 <>
From: Robert Brown [mailto:robertb_versa@...]
Sent: Saturday, October 17, 2009 11:56 AM
To: hdallard@...
Subject: Re: [Vantage] Problem: Checkbox select/deselect in record of
PODetail table triggers checkbox select/deselect
If you only want to read (never write to) Part.character05, it is easy: Open
order entry in developer mode and go into customization. Open Data Tools and
create a new FKV called 'Part' that is linked to native app view OrderDtl.
Select PartNum as the key field to join through and Add the FKV. Save your
customization & you now have read-only access to the entire Part table
within Order Entry.
You CAN also do this via vbNet code by creating a function or subroutine.
(Functions are nice because you can reuse them in the module.)
Private Function GetYourPartFieldFunction(ByVal PartNumber As String)
Dim [adpPart] As PartAdapter = New PartAdapter([SalesOrderForm])
Dim pCriteriaField as String = "PartNum"
Dim pCodeSearch as String = PartNumber
Dim TableName As String = [adpPart].PrimaryTableName ' get the table
name received from adapter
Dim [PartRecord] As Data.DataSet = [adpPart].GetData(pCodeSearch) '
perform a query of value "RA"
Dim catTable As DataTable = PartRecord.Tables(TableName)
Dim catView As DataView = New DataView(catTable, "", pCriteriaField,
Dim rowIndex As Integer = catView.Find(pCodeSearch)
'if rowIndex = -1, then it is not in the return dataset.
Dim GetYourPartField as String = catView(rowIndex)("Character05")
return GetYourPartField
' returns Part.Character05 in DB when you call function GetYourPartFunction
' from OrderDtl triggered event & pass it current record row
End Function
From: Herby Dallard <hdallard@...>
To: Robert Brown <robertb_versa@...>
Sent: Thu, October 15, 2009 2:26:45 PM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Problem: Checkbox select/deselect in record of
PODetail table triggers checkbox select/deselect
Hello Robert.I been tied up on other things..I have another easier problem I
am trying to solve with coding but I need your help on something you said in
your last e-mail; i.e.
Finally, dig into the code examples for the Part Table and copy it into your
code so you have a search by ID link into the part table by defining it as
an added dataview. (You can't write through an easier to establish FKV or
subtable view you might add... They are read only).
Which code example in particular do you mean of the following code snippets:
Calling an Adapters GetRows( ) method using a Where Clause and Binding to a
Private Sub FKVOrderDtl_AfterRowChange(ByVal args As EpiRowChangedArgs)
Handles FKVOrderDtl_Row.EpiRowChanged
'// ** Get DataRowView of Current Row **
Dim drw As DataRowView = args.CurrentView.dataView(args.CurrentRow)
If (drw("TotalShipped") > 0) Then
'// ** initialize and assign variables **
Dim orderNum As Integer = drw("OrderNum")
Dim orderLine As Integer = drw("OrderLine")
Dim whereClause As String
'// construct Where Clause(s) whereClause = "OrderNum = " & orderNum & " AND
OrderLine = " & OrderLine
Dim adapterName As String = "CustShipAdapter"
.... etc.
page 78 & 79 of Embedded Customization Self paced manual
Validating Input
Private Sub Customer_BeforeFieldChange(ByVal sender As object, ByVal args As
DataColumnChangeEventArgs) Handles Customer_Column.ColumnChanging
' 'Add Event Handler Code
' Select Case args.Column.ColumnName
Private Sub FKVOrderDtl_AfterRowChange(ByVal args As EpiRowChangedArgs)
Handles FKVOrderDtl_Row.EpiRowChanged
'// ** Get DataRowView of Current Row **
Dim drw As DataRowView = args.CurrentView.dataView(args.CurrentRow)
If (drw("TotalShipped") > 0) Then '// ** initialize and assign variables **
Dim orderNum As Integer = drw("OrderNum") Dim orderLine As Integer =
Dim whereClause As String
whereClause = "OrderNum = " & orderNum
page 76 to 79 of Embedded Customization Self paced manual
FYI: I want to read part.character05 field into sales order entry form using
part adapter.
Please help ASAC.
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards,
Herby Dallard
Information Technology Engineer
Endicott Research Group
607-754-9187 ext. 3078 <>
From: Robert Brown [mailto:robertb_versa@...]
Sent: Friday, September 25, 2009 4:16 AM
To: hdallard@...
Subject: Re: [Vantage] Problem: Checkbox select/deselect in record of
PODetail table triggers checkbox select/deselect
Haven't forgotten about you Herby... Just been buried the last two weeks.
1st breather I get - which I hope is soon as I'm running out of breath (;o -
I'll see if I have some similar code examples I can forward you.
As a head start, be aware that PO Entry doesn't have the native assemblies
and BO methods to do Part Entry editing. In Customization mode scroll
through BOs and determine what assemblies you need to add to support the
PartAdapter - then add them to PO Entry.
Then copy the code for setting up PartAdapter and add it to the PO Entry
Finally, dig into the code examples for the Part Table and copy it into your
code so you have a search by ID link into the part table by defining it as
an added dataview. (You can't write through an easier to establish FKV or
subtable view you might add... They are read only).
Once all that is done (and it compiles with no errors), whatever determine
what event you want to drive (as the basis of a subroutine) writing any
changes of PODetail.RcvInspectionReq values to Part.Checkbox01 and add the
necessary code to do so within the subroutine.
Not to be nosey, but why use Part.Checkbox01 (versus perhaps changing the
Part.PartClass to one that requires inspection - or poking into the Supplier
Price list table to set its inspection required checkbox for the specific
vendor-part the PO is cut against)?
Rob Brown
From: Herby Dallard < hdallard@... >
To: robertb_versa@...
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 12:44:48 PM
Subject: FW: [Vantage] Problem: Checkbox select/deselect in record of
PODetail table triggers checkbox select/deselect
Best Regards,
Herby Dallard
Information Technology Engineer
Endicott Research Group
607-754-9187 ext. 3078 <>
From: [mailto: ] On Behalf
Of Herby Dallard
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 11:07 AM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Problem: Checkbox select/deselect in record of
PODetail table triggers checkbox select/deselect
robertb_versa@ <>
The specific field is PODetail.RcvInspect ionReq; it's an Inspection
under Purchase Order Entry>Lines> Detail Tab.
I want a deselect / select of PODetail.RcvInspect ionReq to deselect /
select same Part Number record in table.field: Part.Checkbox01 (a created
check box). I know I will have to include an adapter to perform this in dot
net. I am hoping to revise code and avoid reinventing the wheel if someone
has already designed something similar to my request.
We are presently Live on Epicor Vantage 8.03.407
Best Regards,
Herby Dallard
Information Technology Engineer
Endicott Research Group
hdallard@ergpower. com <>
607-754-9187 ext. 3078
www.ergpower. com
From: vantage@yahoogroups .com <>
[mailto:vantage@yahoogroups .com <> ] On
Behalf Of
robertb_versa@ <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 4:59 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups .com <>
Subject: Re: [Vantage] Problem: Checkbox select/deselect in record of
PODetail table triggers checkbox select/des
What specific PO entry dataview boolean fields are you tring to set (&/or
what checkbox controls)?
Also - What version are you on?
PO entry is (one of many) 'works in process' as successive versions have
gone thru significant changes.
--- Original Message ---
From:"Herby Dallard" <hdallard@ergpower. <mailto:hdallard% 40ergpower. com>
Sent:Tue 9/15/09 4:39 pm
To:<vantage@ yahoogroups <mailto:vantage% 40yahoogroups. com> .com>
Subj:[Vantage] Problem: Checkbox select/deselect in record of PODetail table
triggers checkbox select/des
All..I need a dot net code that can behave as outlined in subject. Anyone
who had to perform a similar task and may have used dot net or BPM or
anything please reply ASAC.
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards,
Herby Dallard
Information Technology Engineer
Endicott Research Group
hdallard@ergpower. <mailto:hdallard% 40ergpower. com> com
607-754-9187 ext. 3078
www.ergpower. com
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]