Hello - Looking for pointers on how to add a UD field that is tied to Invoices. Basically our AR dept want to keep notes on invoice follow-up. I created a UD field that is tied to InvHead however it seems that it is not editable for any created invoices.
Be glad of any pointers on where to bind the field so it can be edited after inv posting, but still show in AR tracker and be unique to the Inv num.
I would probably add the field to the AR Posted Invoice Update screen (wish someone had told me about that years ago). If you want it updated via AR Invoice Tracker there are a number of options but a very simple one would be to use the built in memo functionality in Epicor
Welcome @Stuart-Allan!
Does you company have the CRM module? One of the things it is actually good for is this kind of contact tracking. You can enter a call and relate it to an Invoice.
The other option (without CRM) is to use Memo:
In the category of “did you know”… there are many screens like this that support MEMOs… there is a button at the top to add new memos to any record. (available both in the new UI, and in the old smart client UI).
In the case of AR Invoices, you can even look / modify the memo from the AR Invoice Tracker. You dont need CRM for this. It is just a built in feature. You can create “memo categories” and add new memos.
Note the little red dot? That means that there is at least one memo. Click on the icon, and it will display them.
ALSO… i have had times when we wanted a dashboard to display any memos… yes, this memo table is available to link to other data, and we have made some really cool dashboards that allow linking back to reading all memos for an invoice, customer, etc.
Thank you for all the quick responses - the memo functionality is looking good for what we want to do
Now… My end goal an updatable BAQ with the memo text to be updatable - eventually to run in a dashboard. When I update the field in the BAQ and hit ‘Update’ I get the following error;
My updatable BAQ works fine on existing memos, but cannot create new memos.
I’m thinking a BPM to create a blank memo when a new Inv is created?
Did you ever find a solution? I am working on this and am stuck with the same problem on adding new. Curious what you decided.
Yes we did successfully deploy an updatable dashboard - and it has been in use since. See capture below. Dashboard can be sorted by aging range and then the user can simply scroll through the accounts and update the notes.
We used the Memo table as suggested above - I can’t recall the issue that was preventing the updating however I believe it was just the business object selection under the update portion of the BAQ
Sorry… I re read your question - I can’t recall how we left the creation of new memo’s - I will check with my team and get back to you