Edit ssrs reports

Please I need your help, we are editing a report and we are following the EpicorImplementation_UserGuide_101500 tab, and all the steps of the tab were done but when I go to SSRS to add the field in the report, in the dataset I do not see the table to continue With the process

This is how we define the data

But we note that in this part does not load

Need a little more information, what field are you trying to add into the SSRS report? have you done the following?

(1) Created a new report style?
(2) Copied the reports to the custom folder on your report server?
(3) Unchecked the field from the “exclusions” tab on report data definition form?
(4) Added in the field to the SQL statement on the ssrs report?

Instead of adding the Customer table to the RDD, Pick the Customer link from the Linked Tables on the InvcHead table:

Then Pick the fields for your report from the Description Fields tab:

Next, the fields need to be added to the SSRS report query either manually or clicking the Sync Dataset button in Report Style Maintenance:

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If, already carry out these steps, manage to advance a little, to generate the report and I get this error

Program Ice.Services.Lib.RunTask raised an unexpected exception with the following message: RunTask: An error has occurred during report processing. —> Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ProcessingAbortedException: An error has occurred during report processing. —> Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportProcessingException: Query execution failed for dataset ‘ARDTLS’. —> System.Exception: For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors

Andres, what fields are you trying to add to your report? and from which table? Can you copy your sql code for the ARDTLS dataset?

=“SELECT T1.Calc_CustName as ARDtls_Calc_CustName,T2.Calc_LegalNumber,T1.Calc_MulChildren as ARDtls_Calc_MulChildren,T1.Calc_ParentCustID as ARDtls_Calc_ParentCustID,T1.Calc_RptTitle2,T1.Calc_Summary, T2.InvoiceDate,T2.InvoiceNum,T2.PONum,T2.Calc_AgeBaseAll,T2.Calc_AgeCurAll,T2.Calc_AgeInvAmt1,T2.Calc_AgeInvAmt2,T2.Calc_AgeInvAmt3,T2.Calc_AgeInvAmt4,T2.Calc_AgeInvAmt5,T2.Calc_AgeInvAmt6,T2.Calc_AgeLbl1,T2.Calc_AgeLbl2,T2.Calc_AgeLbl3,T2.Calc_AgeLbl4,T2.Calc_AgeLbl5,T2.Calc_AgeLbl6,T2.Calc_BlockedFinChrg,T2.Calc_BlockedRemLetters,T2.Calc_Company,T2.Calc_ContPer,T2.Calc_ContPh,T2.Calc_crMemo,T2.Calc_curDesc,T2.Calc_CurDueDate,T2.Calc_CurrCode,T2.Calc_CustID,T2.Calc_CustName as Calc_CustName,CAST( T2.Calc_Index as nvarchar ) as Calc_Index,CAST( T2.Calc_MulChildren as nvarchar ) as Calc_MulChildren,T2.Calc_ParentCustID as Calc_ParentCustID,T2.Calc_PoDNNbr,T2.Calc_RptARAcctID,T2.Calc_RptUserID,T2.Calc_TierLevelNum,T2.Calc_TopCustID,CAST( T2.Calc_BasCurrency as nvarchar ) as Calc_BasCurrency, T3.TierLevelNum,T3.Calc_ARTotal1,T3.Calc_ARTotal2,T3.Calc_ARTotal3,T3.Calc_ARTotal4,T3.Calc_ARTotal5,T3.Calc_ARTotal6,T3.Calc_LevelCustID,T3.Calc_LevelDesc,T4.Calc_DecimalsGeneral
, T1.[Company], T1.[Calc_ARTot1], T1.[Calc_ARTot2], T1.[Calc_ARTot3], T1.[Calc_ARTot4], T1.[Calc_ARTot5], T1.[Calc_ARTot6], T1.[Calc_RptTitle1], T1.[Calc_RptTitle3], T1.[Calc_SubTitle1], T1.[Calc_Territory], T4.[APBOECheck], T4.[COSequenceCert], T4.[DeepCopy], T4.[DeepCopyDupOrRevEst], T4.[MapURL], T4.[MXMunicipio], T4.[Name], T4.[WIApplication], T4.[WIAutoCreateJob], T4.[WIGetDetails], T4.[WIRelease], T4.[WISchedule], T4.[WIShippingCosts], T4.[Character01], T4.[Number08], T4.[Number09], T4.[Number10], T4.[ShortChar07], T4.[ShortChar08], T4.[Calc_BaseCurDesc], T4.[Calc_BaseCurrency], T4.[Calc_CurrName], T4.[Calc_CurrSymbol], T3.[Calc_SInvcNum], T2.[Calc_AgeCurTotal1], T2.[Calc_AgeCurTotal2], T2.[Calc_AgeCurTotal3], T2.[Calc_AgeCurTotal4], T2.[Calc_AgeCurTotal5], T2.[Calc_AgeCurTotal6], T2.[Calc_AgeParentAll], T2.[Calc_AgeParentTotal1], T2.[Calc_AgeParentTotal2], T2.[Calc_AgeParentTotal3], T2.[Calc_AgeParentTotal4], T2.[Calc_AgeParentTotal5], T2.[Calc_AgeParentTotal6], T2.[Calc_AltCust], T2.[Calc_AltCustID], T2.[Calc_AltCustName], T2.[Calc_ApplyDate], T2.[Calc_DispCurTot], T5.[CustID], T5.[TerritoryID], T5.[Territory_TerritoryDesc]
FROM ARPrnt_” +Parameters!TableGuid.Value + " T1
join Company_" +Parameters!TableGuid.Value + " T4
on T1.Calc_Company=T4.Company
LEFT OUTER JOIN RlsHead_" +Parameters!TableGuid.Value + " T3
ON T1.Calc_Company = T3.Calc_Company AND T1.Calc_CustID = T3.Calc_CustID
LEFT OUTER JOIN ARDtls_" +Parameters!TableGuid.Value + " T2
ON T1.Calc_Company = T2.Calc_Company AND T1.Calc_ParentCustID = T2.Calc_ParentCustID AND T1.Calc_CustID = T2.Calc_CustID and T1.Calc_RptARAcctID = T2.Calc_RptARAcctID
LEFT OUTER JOIN Customer_" + Parameters!TableGuid.Value + " T5 ON T2.[Company] = T5.[Company] AND T2.[CustID] = T5.[CustID]

I got it, you are trying to add in the CUSTID, TerritoryID, and TerritoryDesc, Correct? If that is so, give me one moment.

Here is how you can atleast get CustID and TerritoryID. Use this SQL code. You also need to make the following changes (pictures at bottom):
=“SELECT T1.Calc_CustName as ARDtls_Calc_CustName,T2.Calc_LegalNumber,T1.Calc_MulChildren as ARDtls_Calc_MulChildren,T1.Calc_ParentCustID as ARDtls_Calc_ParentCustID,T1.Calc_RptTitle2,T1.Calc_Summary, T2.InvoiceDate,T2.InvoiceNum,T2.PONum,T2.Calc_AgeBaseAll,T2.Calc_AgeCurAll,T2.Calc_AgeInvAmt1,T2.Calc_AgeInvAmt2,T2.Calc_AgeInvAmt3,T2.Calc_AgeInvAmt4,T2.Calc_AgeInvAmt5,T2.Calc_AgeInvAmt6,T2.Calc_AgeLbl1,T2.Calc_AgeLbl2,T2.Calc_AgeLbl3,T2.Calc_AgeLbl4,T2.Calc_AgeLbl5,T2.Calc_AgeLbl6,T2.Calc_BlockedFinChrg,T2.Calc_BlockedRemLetters,T2.Calc_Company,T2.Calc_ContPer,T2.Calc_ContPh,T2.Calc_crMemo,T2.Calc_curDesc,T2.Calc_CurDueDate,T2.Calc_CurrCode,T2.Calc_CustID,T2.Calc_CustName as Calc_CustName,CAST( T2.Calc_Index as nvarchar ) as Calc_Index,CAST( T2.Calc_MulChildren as nvarchar ) as Calc_MulChildren,T2.Calc_ParentCustID as Calc_ParentCustID,T2.Calc_PoDNNbr,T2.Calc_RptARAcctID,T2.Calc_RptUserID,T2.Calc_TierLevelNum,T2.Calc_TopCustID,CAST( T2.Calc_BasCurrency as nvarchar ) as Calc_BasCurrency, T3.TierLevelNum,T3.Calc_ARTotal1,T3.Calc_ARTotal2,T3.Calc_ARTotal3,T3.Calc_ARTotal4,T3.Calc_ARTotal5,T3.Calc_ARTotal6,T3.Calc_LevelCustID,T3.Calc_LevelDesc,T4.Calc_DecimalsGeneral
, T3.Customer_CustID, T3.Customer_TerritoryID FROM ARPrnt_” +Parameters!TableGuid.Value + " T1
join Company_" +Parameters!TableGuid.Value + " T4
on T1.Calc_Company=T4.Company
LEFT OUTER JOIN RlsHead_" +Parameters!TableGuid.Value + " T3
ON T1.Calc_Company = T3.Calc_Company AND T1.Calc_CustID = T3.Calc_CustID
LEFT OUTER JOIN ARDtls_" +Parameters!TableGuid.Value + " T2
ON T1.Calc_Company = T2.Calc_Company AND T1.Calc_ParentCustID = T2.Calc_ParentCustID AND T1.Calc_CustID = T2.Calc_CustID and T1.Calc_RptARAcctID = T2.Calc_RptARAcctID"

You also need to reference the fields in RDD. Go to RDD, select your report, on the left hand side under Report tables, click “RlsHead” and go to ReportTable>Linked Tables>Pick Links. From the list, select Customer to be on the picked side. Then go to ReportTable>Linked Tables>Description Fields. Select “Customer” in the pull down. Then find “CustID” and “TerritoryID” and select them to the right side.

Hope this helps!