I’ve run into the same problem as described here, where field MtExtPrice does not exist after importing a customized AR Invoice report from Epicor 10 to Kinetic.
I’m a Newb at SSRS and I don’t know the process to delete the field out of the query. I tried this:
Downloaded the customized report from the report server
Opened it in Report Builder
Deleted the field called MtExtPrice under Datasets and saved the report
Uploaded the report back onto the report server, overwriting the original file
I was expecting the error on my report server to budge, but I get the same error. Does deleting the field out of the report affect the query that is stored in the ReportServer database?
I thought maybe Kinetic was just running a cached version of the report without the edit, so I ran this in SSMS. I found that the MtExtPrice field was still in the query.
FROM ReportServer.dbo.Catalog
Name = 'ARForm_CustomReportName'
and Path like '%ARi%'
and Type = 2
Note - In report builder, there are two places to add or remove the fields. In the UI there is the DataSet - that is a list of field objects that can be put into the layout. There is also an underlying query for the DataSet - you will also need to remove the field from the SQL that is used to pull the data into that DataSet object.