I am trying to use the UD fields in the app file to bring in a line comment. I know I need a bpm on ImportEDIonUDImport to get the data, but I have no idea where the data is. The guides says Refer to Import EDI Demand Processing and User Hook BPMs, but all I ever find is the flowchart and description.
Can someone send me or point me in the direction of documentation?
@Vinaykamboj Thanks. These UDs are in Demand management not ones we can make. There is a special set of methods that you can use to change EDI data as it gets processed.
I am trying to find info on the last one @hkeric.wci lists here. I can’t find anything on how to access the UDs that got imported so I can move the comment to an orderdtl comment.
You will have to add UD fields to the Demand and Order tables. UD fields under D go to Demand Details and Order Detail. UD fields under SCH go to DemandSchedule and Order Release. So fields will have to be added to both Demand and Order tables. Once done you can make the mappings in the screen above.