EDI / Demand Entry users here?

We’re currently on 10.0.700 series where EDI is working for all customers.

Testing 10.1.500 all but one customer works fine. The EDI import that comes in clean. Verified that there are no errors in Demand Workbench, but when we try to Process it into an order, it throws the error “The transaction has aborted”.

Odd thing is, all other customers works, it just effects this one customer no matter the file imported. We’ve checked the Demand contract, customer setup, verified the parts in the POs are valid, and everything else we can think of.

It’s a pretty cryptic error and even the trace logs are no help.

Erp.Proxy.BO.DemandEntryImpl ProcessDemand net.tcp://hqsa0105d/ERP10Pilot/ System.Void 3/15/2017 15:35:10:1392044 PM 0 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000

We are working on a new EDI implementation in 10.1.500 and have not seen
that error yet

What kind of transaction set is it?

Are you testing with an .app file or could it not find the file location to

Any rules or mapping unique to that customer in terms of that demand type
(firm, forecast, etc)

We have seen where some transactions failed due to date formats or PO
number in the wrong segment but have not seen an abort message

Mark Wagner
Sr. Partner

Capstone Alliance Partners 888.597.2227 Ext. 71
<888.597.2227%20Ext.%20714>2 | 904.412.6847 mwagner@capstoneap.com (cell)
| www.capstoneap.com

Hey Mark,

Yes, all our EDI comes in via .app files and they are now all importing into Epicor 10.1 just fine. The error happens when we try to process the PO into an order.

We had some fun with UD fields early on in testing our 10.1 pilot. There is a thread here as well, but once we setup the DemandImport tables to the same fields as the Demand tables it worked. We recreated all the the E9 type UD fields, ShortChar01, etc.

They are all Firm imports and we use the standard Epicor EDI mapping. Thus the E9 type UD field names.

We found the issue. In Customer Maintenance, this customer has Capable To Promise setup and “Shipping” as the date type. However, their EDI file did not include the ship by date. This caused the error.

Once we entered a ship by date it’d process. But since this customer doesn’t send one, we changed to date to Need by which lets Epicor calculate the ship by when importing the file.

Thanks for the heads up in case we run into the same error!

Mark Wagner
Sr. Partner

Capstone Alliance Partners 888.597.2227 Ext. 71
<888.597.2227%20Ext.%20714>2 | 904.412.6847 mwagner@capstoneap.com (cell)
| www.capstoneap.com

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EDI on Hosted Single Site customers has never worked as far as I can tell, at least not for us and we were on 10.0.700 until last November.

Scott Thompson
IT Manager/Webmaster

Advanced Wireless Communications

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