EDI - Adjusting Values... how to

Hello All,

We are looking to achieve two goals:

  1. Get the ship by date on any order received through EDI (TIE) to be Order Date(transmission date) + two working days.
  2. Get the ready to process flag to be checked automatically for EDI orders only.

I am about to crack open the tech ref guide for EDI to refresh on it and check to see if there is anything natively that can achieve this.

If not, do any of you here modify your EDI orders via BPMs/Data Directives, is this appropriate here?

Thanks in advance for any help. Happy New Year! Love this group!

Might be of use

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Thank you Haso!

Read the thread there is a slight change in Epicor logic.

If you are in 10.2 then the Ship by date needs to be mapped in file.

Okay, so maybe it was a bug working in our favor which is another theory I had.

Forgive my lack of knowledge, but if I am understanding this, we could add a map and just put 2 in there for the ship days element in the file? This is not something our partner is going to change.

I found this mapping note in the EDI tran tech ref guide and it seems if our partner leaves it blank then it will use a field on the customer record which could also work.


You can leave it blank “” and Epicor should map it by reading the Days Out I think from Demand Settings in Customer/ShipTo… more than likely you are not leaving it blank, but rather a 0 or Todays Date.

Or figure out the date to go in there. and its YYYYMMDD

Yeah that is what I am thinking. Use the field in Demand for the customer and go from there.

I would have to dig up your C# code for adding working days otherwise. :wink:

I already adapted it in another situation having to do with ship by and need by.