EDI Activity Data

We have been actively using EDI for the last seven months, and occasionally need visibility of outbound activity. Currently, we are able to scan processed XML files in our EDIData\environment\Out\Backup folder, but given our high volume, this is getting to be quite cumbersome to say the least.

I was browsing through the various tables in SQL Server and see that there are two which could be very helpful: EDIASN and EDIINV. They include several key fields such as OrderNum, PackNum, CustNum and InvoiceNum along with date fields such as DateCreated, DataExported, DateLastResend, and DateLastSent.

Does anyone have any experience with these? After seven months, ours are empty, so I’m think maybe they were deprecated in a previous version (we are currently on 2021.2.7). Of course, I would be open to any other ideas for where to get this type of data.

Thanks, Tony.

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very interesting I have never seen those tables before.

What do you mean you need outbound visibility?

You just need to know when the file was sent?

Are you using Epicor’s VAN? Are you using Epicor EDI? Or you using TIE Kinetix or something else?

EDI HQ and AS2 Complete here. Looking for source (CSV, TXT, APP, etc) docs in EDIData folders is indeed cumbersome…exponentially if you’ve got high volume. HQ has a good filtering system if you know the order/invoice/ASN number…look it up by TransKey and there’s an option to view App Data (the delimited info coming out of Kinetic). Screencap of HQ below - redacted our customer info but hopefully helps…

Thanks for jumping in, Utah. By “outbound” I mean document types 810, 855 and 856. By “visibility” I’m saying that I want to see what happened and when for a given document. We frequently get inquiries from our customers asking if we sent their invoices, etc. and I.T. then has to scour through the Out\Backup folder to try to find it.

On the other hand, if the data were on the server, we could build our end-users a BAQ/Dashboard to review the activity themselves using whatever filters we setup for them.

We aren’t using Epicor’s VAN, but we are using the core Kinetic screens for setting up customers, contracts and importing XML (which we then convert to APP format).

So what service are you using to send the outbound documents though? Tie Smartbridge? Or what EDI solution ?

I only do inbound EDI, but there is a DemandOutbound table. maybe it has records??

Tony, I ask because most of the services that you send EDI documents through have a portal to go look at the exact info you’re asking about. Of course, that’s only once they hit the portal.

If you’re looking for data on everything on the Epicor side, you could use a BAQ to see which customers are set up to receive an 810 and work from there to see when the invoice was posted, when it was sent, etc.