If you are using the Edge Agent for printing, and use RDS or Citrix. Were you able to get it to work for each user, especially if your RDS is load-balanced and each users session can go to any of 50 servers you may have.
It is key for any enterprise customer, it is key Epicor figure out how to implement this. You have already figured this out once with the Sysmonitor. So saying its not doable, is not true… You just need to bring @Rich back to handle the client.
Everything runs in Citrix for us, the users computers turn on to run Citrix. For all we care they can run an empty OS with no shell, ReactOS, Linux, Mac, Android or Chrome Book.
Citrix = Office 365, Chrome, AutoCad etc…
With 12,000+ devices, that is how you manage an Enterprise, for many. When you outgrow Software Center even, you need to find better ways to manage computers breaking, loaners, theft…
I can give you a Loaner Laptop tomorrow, and you are back to where you were 5 minutes ago, nothing lost, nothing to reinstall.
While my team is not doing the Web Client and associated framework, we are responsible for the Edge Agent and we have accepted this issue as a bug. That said, we are in the last few Sprints before code cut of 2023.1 and we will not review this until after the cutoff.
A workaround - and it does not cover all use cases - is to install the Edge Agent as a Network Print Service.
@hkeric.wci - thanks for bringing this to my attention.
Awesome, I just noticed that the Idea said, this would not be implemented and isnt a bug. So I am glad its on your radar! Sweet. That’s all we can ask for sir.
If you install edge agent in network server mode, it will be installed as service. You can then manually add a setting for local mode in its appsettings.json.