I want to use EDD in the Quick Access Panel on the Vendor Screen and filter the results to the current Vendor record.
Example: When you open the Vendor maintenance screen, open the Quick Access Panel via Actions > Quick Access Panel. Add in a widget like AR Balance. I only want to show AR Balance for the current vendor when it loads.
Has anyone done this before? It looks like EDD has almost zero documentation. For such a promising feature its a real let down.
Hi John, any luck with this? I am trying to do the same but have had no luck. I have seen presentations with this being demonstrated but like you it seem impossible to get any documentation or guidance on how to set it up.
I’m late to the party but if you add a filter on the view for the key (like VendNum) and just leave it blank, when you load a record on the parent screen it should (eventually) filter the view.