Please share recommendations for an eCommerce solution that integrates seamlessly with Kinetic. Here are some of our wants.
-Pull customer data from Kinetic (name, address, credit terms, etc)
-Send order details to Kinetic to avoid manual order entry
-Confidential pricing
-Allow our marketing team to update product details internally
-Integrate with eBiz card processing
-Integrate with Avalara tax software
-At checkout, provide customer with shipping estimates
-Phase 2 - integrate with dealer portal and product configuration tool
We use ECC from epicor. The integration should be turnkey, the magento setup can be done with their team. It does everything you listed except maybe Ebiz. You can ask @MRog about that.
We had a great PM/ECC consultant on our last upgrade.
Also does rate shopping through Quickship if you have that.
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Hi All,
EBiz does already integrate with ECC if you go that route, there are other options as well through Big Commerce and Parttrap.