ECM Pull Text from file path during batch import

I would like to be able to assign the order number field from the folder name that they are coming from. For example
I drop folder 400002 into the Sales Order watch folder and it contains documents related to sales order 400002. Is there a way to pass this to the OrderHed.OrderNum field? I was able to use Extract Text to pull it from within some of the documents but that won’t work for all the documents.

Unfortunately, I do not believe this is possible within the ECM Client as you’ve explained your requirement to be. I would recommend the CSV import type instead as you can index the fields you require. While this would be a lengthy task to complete manually, you could use Excel to capture the file path, which you need anyways, and then substring that value to get the folder name indexed into the appropriate field.

I’m not sure if Epicor is working on adding more functionality and features to the ECM Client for instances like this, but there is usually a workaround… albeit they are often tedious and time consuming.

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@rapat_mark - Might you have IDC as well as ECM?

I ask, because we utilized a field expression in IDC to do something similar. You could utilize IDC to start the process and just send the files over to ECM with the companion XML file containing the Order Number field. It’ll take a little setup but it might work for you.

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Thanks for the feedback @vleveris and @MikeGross. We do not have IDC. Mike I know we went through some of this in an older post but now have at least made some progress with the batch import.
When doing a batch import like this, is it possible to get the documents to show as attachments within Kinetic or are they only accessible in ECM?

You would need the Integration datalink that comes with AP or SO Automation, but you can get it separately I think.

ECM is absolutely capable of attaching a document to a number of Epicor transactions. It’s really all your choice, but you use the Integration Datalink “Attach to Epicor”. It takes some specific params that usually require a prior datalink to fetch the transaction data (I like using the SysRowID).

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I am probably getting in over my head for my first batch import. Especially because it is just old job data that customer service digs through on occasion. Thanks again for the input. I will put this on the shelf for future projects.

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One thing I have used, if the document name contains the identifier 400002, you could split the Title which by default is the name of the document file into fields. Example - split text on period

Using the split text task allows for the outputs to link to fields and if using a REST call to lookup the SysRowID will allow for attachment of the file to Kinetic.