ECC and Product Configurator

Hoping someone can shed some light on Epicor Commerce Connect and its relationship to Product Configurator. I understand the goals and interface of ECC and I understand the same in Product Config, but I need info on how they inter-relate to one another.

Would the user hit the website, select a product and the qty, and then click on a button or something to open up the ConfigID to then fill in their configuration needs there? Would the same Configuration screen open up in ECC that does in Sales/Quote/Job Entry? Maybe I’m over complicating here… thanks to anyone that can shed some light.

It uses EWA to launch the configuration screen. So essentially the same as sales/quote/job entry configuration screen.

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Hi Jeremy,

We are currently using ECC with the product configurator.
When a configured part is displayed on the site the “Add to cart” button is replaced with a “configure” button.

When you click configure your designed configurator is displayed in an iframe via EWA

Hope this helps,

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Nice! Thanks for the replies. I figured it would be something like that. Good to know the configuration that opens is the same configuration that would open in Sales/Quote/Job Entry. I was hoping so, as the Target Entities in Config Rules included a Web Order Basket.