Easy way to remove all unfirm jobs

Hey everyone - we run load reports weekly, and when we first run them, we only want to see released work. The load report does not differentiate released work from planned work (unfirm jobs), so in order to understand the effect of actual released work in our shop, I manually delete all of the unfirm jobs that are due to start in the next four weeks. After load data is generated, we then run MRP regeneratively to recreate the deleted plans.

The unfirm job deletion is a painful step, requires selecting the jobs in Job Entry and hitting the red X repeatedly for an hour and a half.

Does anyone have a better method to select a series of unfirm jobs and deleting them that does not require hitting a red X over and over again for 90 minutes?

Thanks in advance.

Epicor Support has a data fix that can delete unfirm jobs easily/quickly.

No built-in tool to accomplish the same thing?

Try simply running MRP REGENERATIVELY using a date that is way in the past. the first thing MRP does is delete all the unfirm jobs… but if you tell it to use an old date, then there should be no new unfirm jobs created (unless you have old unfirm demands).

Excellent idea, Tim. I might try that this weekend. Sure beats hitting the red X over and over while watching baseball on a Sunday afternoon…