E9 - Update Salesperson after AR Invoice has posted

After being live for a few weeks, we have noticed some mistakes have been made on orders where the salesperson list is wrong. We have both salesperson and split % errors. To make matters worse, AR invoices have already been posted against these orders. Now we are trying to determine commissions and our numbers are all out of whack.

I have written an updatable BAQ on the invchead and invcdtl tables and was able to update the split numbers, but I cannot find a way to update the salesperson. The structure on the invoice side is different than the order side. I wrote another updatable BAQ on the orders and was able to update everything there. I did find a salesreplist in the invchead table and it acts like it will update in the BAQ, but getting the list again after a no error update shows the data had not really changed.

Hope there is a work around I'm not aware of.
