Just wanted to share this with the group after trying to figure out how to display the supplier price list with vendor part number in a BAQ/Dashboard.
Using VendPart to retrieve the vendor part number in a BAQ does not work in E9. You need to bring in the PartXRefVend table, which is not one of the logical joins thate are automatically generated in the BAQ designer.
Use Company, PartNum, and VendorNum as the table relations to join vendpart and PartXRefVend tables if you want to display the supplier price list info along with the vendor part number
Epicor is developing an answer book for this issue after I spoke with them about it
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Using VendPart to retrieve the vendor part number in a BAQ does not work in E9. You need to bring in the PartXRefVend table, which is not one of the logical joins thate are automatically generated in the BAQ designer.
Use Company, PartNum, and VendorNum as the table relations to join vendpart and PartXRefVend tables if you want to display the supplier price list info along with the vendor part number
Epicor is developing an answer book for this issue after I spoke with them about it
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