E9: Job disappears and is replaced by another Job

I know that this has been discussed before, but have not heard if they were able to resolve the issue.

You might have a JOB AAAA1 that was created and we issued material and put labor into it.  Then at some point that job is deleted and a new job BBBB2 is created by the system.  You can see all the material issued to the old job in Part transaction history. The new job indicates that the material is there by the green checks on the material tree, but there are no transactions, the list view indicates nothing was issued.  The Change Log and Audit Log are all blank.


It happens about once a month and the only way we find out is when someone tries to log into the job and the job is invalid.  Reason they know of the job number is because we print out the traveler and place it into a bin.




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