E9 Issues Blank Title 86288

Dont get me started on that!

You feel forced to upgrade and upgrade and upgrade to be on the latest version which has things broken in it which WERE working before and things fixed which were broken before.

Support instantly upgrade their software to the latest version so any faults reported become harder to diagnose because they are on a different version to you.

To me their way of updating they way the do is illogical. It's not just that, there is the extra expense for testing the latest versions, new servers for you to test it on, installation by Epicor on the new server, data conversion for the newer version, customisations to be written and tested for updated version, downtime etc etc.

Realistically the new version needs 2-4 weeks thorough testing on a test server before it can be integrated, then the live data has to be converted again.

I dont understand why they can't do what lots of other companies do. Release individual fixes for individual items to people who are on say 503B and make a fix for every fault and on-going faults.

Then for new customers sell them the package which is 503B butincorporate all of the fixes into the install.

To go from 503B to 505C is going to cost our company in the region of £10-15k which includes new 'test' server, downtime, Epicor to install, testing (our staff will have to stop their 'day job' to test and test the new version - which also adds overtime), fault finding in the new version, fault reporting in the new version, etc etc.

From: Andrew Best <abest@...>
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thu, 14 January, 2010 14:02:55
Subject: RE: [Vantage] E9 Issues

I have never heard or seen any issues with Time Phase in 8.00 or 8.03, but we have had issues with allocated amounts on trackers. Epicor kept telling us it was fixed in the next patch. Now everything is fixed 9, but it sounds like this issue has gotten worse. If Time Phase is incorrect, our business processes will become very inefficient.

What frustrates me is that Epicor keeps steering customer, almost forcing customers, to transition to their latest software when they have known issues.


Andrew Best

Kice Industries, Inc.



From: vantage@yahoogroups .com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups .com] On Behalf Of Chris Thompson
Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2010 7:10 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups .com
Subject: Re: [Vantage] E9 Issues

We've had this exact same problem. It happened about 6 weeks ago too.

By any chance are you starting to stock take or have you just stock taken for your year end?

We have started stocktaking for our year end (jan 2010). When we have been stocktaking we have noticed the figures are incorrect when compared with each other.

We have ran the conversion and it has corrected it, but like I say, this is the second time it has happened in in 5 months.

Its obviously a bug.

I have reported it and have also requested that an alert is written to inform us when it startes happening (ie when the two figures stop balancing).

Has anyone else had this?

Please let me know how you get on.

____________ _________ _________ __
From: Mark Wonsil <mark_wonsil@ yahoo.com <mailto:mark_ wonsil%40yahoo. com> >
To: vantage@yahoogroups .com <mailto:vantage% 40yahoogroups. com>
Sent: Thu, 7 January, 2010 15:48:36
Subject: RE: [Vantage] E9 Issues

> We just started seeing this since the New Year. I ran 6430 today and
> minutes, the Part Tracker and Time Phase values are wrong, i.e. the part's
> warehouse QOH does not total the bin QOH. I'm just getting the
> together to open a ticket.

Epicor suggested that I restart the appServers. So I shutdown the database,
(truncated the BI since I could), started the database and the main server,
ran 6430, again while nobody was on, and waited until this morning. So far,
so good.

Mark W.

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Hello All-
We recently implemented E9.04.505B on schedule but with some critical issues that I feel you should know about and also to solicit help to workaround if you can. First off we are a job shop that manufactures custom optical, solar, coating target parts from pure silicon crystal that we also grow. We have a very simple, single plant, 40 employee business without need of BOMs so no engineering module and no need for MRP. Should be a simple implementation, right? Issues to be aware of and that we are currently pressing Epicor for resolution:

Shipping does not transact costs from WIP to COS. We ship from the job NOT inventory.

Material transacted from job back to RM via Salvage return is not relieving the material cost from the job. We do it this way because every return involves a new "daughter" part number to the part that was issued to the job so we can include characteristic notations such as dimensions of the returned piece(s). Return Material does not allow a different Part Number to be returned so we utilize Salvage return for that function.

Transactions of material to and from jobs do not record correctly in Part Tracker. A number of errors have been recorded and Epicor responded with a possible solution pertaining to running the 6430 conversion. Not the first time we've heard that and we wonder how often we have to run it. It did change much of the Sales demand and actual inventory records. Currently being evaluated for correctness.

That's the start of what we know. Our first payroll is being done from E9 and I haven't seen the responsible parties for days. Thinking there might be issues. I should note that these functions worked prior to the latest upgrade. We have been instructed to do the upgrades religiously - beginning to rethink that tack...

Thanks for providing me a year's worth of great information. I've enjoyed being a member of this group albeit a mostly silent one up until now.

Mike Doyle
Operations Manager
Lattice Materials LLC
Hi Mike,

> Transactions of material to and from jobs do not record
> correctly in Part Tracker. A number of errors have been
> recorded and Epicor responded with a possible solution
> pertaining to running the 6430 conversion. Not the first time
> we've heard that and we wonder how often we have to run it.
> It did change much of the Sales demand and actual inventory
> records. Currently being evaluated for correctness.

We just started seeing this since the New Year. I ran 6430 today and within
minutes, the Part Tracker and Time Phase values are wrong, i.e. the part's
warehouse QOH does not total the bin QOH. I'm just getting the documentation
together to open a ticket.

Mark W.
Time Phase Values are incorrect? There has been an on-going issue since
8.00 where the allocated amounts are not correct, but I have never heard
of issues in Time Phase. What good is ERP without an accurate Time


Andrew Best

Kice Industries, Inc.



From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf
Of Mark Wonsil
Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2010 3:15 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [Vantage] E9 Issues

Hi Mike,

> Transactions of material to and from jobs do not record
> correctly in Part Tracker. A number of errors have been
> recorded and Epicor responded with a possible solution
> pertaining to running the 6430 conversion. Not the first time
> we've heard that and we wonder how often we have to run it.
> It did change much of the Sales demand and actual inventory
> records. Currently being evaluated for correctness.

We just started seeing this since the New Year. I ran 6430 today and
minutes, the Part Tracker and Time Phase values are wrong, i.e. the
warehouse QOH does not total the bin QOH. I'm just getting the
together to open a ticket.

Mark W.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> We just started seeing this since the New Year. I ran 6430 today and
> minutes, the Part Tracker and Time Phase values are wrong, i.e. the part's
> warehouse QOH does not total the bin QOH. I'm just getting the
> together to open a ticket.

Epicor suggested that I restart the appServers. So I shutdown the database,
(truncated the BI since I could), started the database and the main server,
ran 6430, again while nobody was on, and waited until this morning. So far,
so good.

Mark W.
I've run into the exact same problem since the Monday (1st day of new year) on 8.03.408b. I plan on restarting the appservers ,per Epicor support, this weekend when I get my first down time. I've been running 6430 multiple times per day to get through for now.

--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "Mark Wonsil" <mark_wonsil@...> wrote:
> > We just started seeing this since the New Year. I ran 6430 today and
> within
> > minutes, the Part Tracker and Time Phase values are wrong, i.e. the part's
> > warehouse QOH does not total the bin QOH. I'm just getting the
> documentation
> > together to open a ticket.
> Epicor suggested that I restart the appServers. So I shutdown the database,
> (truncated the BI since I could), started the database and the main server,
> ran 6430, again while nobody was on, and waited until this morning. So far,
> so good.
> Mark W.
We've had this exact same problem. It happened about 6 weeks ago too.

By any chance are you starting to stock take or have you just stock taken for your year end?

We have started stocktaking for our year end (jan 2010). When we have been stocktaking we have noticed the figures are incorrect when compared with each other.

We have ran the conversion and it has corrected it, but like I say, this is the second time it has happened in in 5 months.

Its obviously a bug.

I have reported it and have also requested that an alert is written to inform us when it startes happening (ie when the two figures stop balancing).

Has anyone else had this?

Please let me know how you get on.

From: Mark Wonsil <mark_wonsil@...>
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thu, 7 January, 2010 15:48:36
Subject: RE: [Vantage] E9 Issues

> We just started seeing this since the New Year. I ran 6430 today and
> minutes, the Part Tracker and Time Phase values are wrong, i.e. the part's
> warehouse QOH does not total the bin QOH. I'm just getting the
> together to open a ticket.

Epicor suggested that I restart the appServers. So I shutdown the database,
(truncated the BI since I could), started the database and the main server,
ran 6430, again while nobody was on, and waited until this morning. So far,
so good.

Mark W.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I have never heard or seen any issues with Time Phase in 8.00 or 8.03, but we have had issues with allocated amounts on trackers. Epicor kept telling us it was fixed in the next patch. Now everything is fixed 9, but it sounds like this issue has gotten worse. If Time Phase is incorrect, our business processes will become very inefficient.

What frustrates me is that Epicor keeps steering customer, almost forcing customers, to transition to their latest software when they have known issues.


Andrew Best

Kice Industries, Inc.



From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Chris Thompson
Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2010 7:10 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [Vantage] E9 Issues

We've had this exact same problem. It happened about 6 weeks ago too.

By any chance are you starting to stock take or have you just stock taken for your year end?

We have started stocktaking for our year end (jan 2010). When we have been stocktaking we have noticed the figures are incorrect when compared with each other.

We have ran the conversion and it has corrected it, but like I say, this is the second time it has happened in in 5 months.

Its obviously a bug.

I have reported it and have also requested that an alert is written to inform us when it startes happening (ie when the two figures stop balancing).

Has anyone else had this?

Please let me know how you get on.

From: Mark Wonsil <mark_wonsil@... <mailto:mark_wonsil%40yahoo.com> >
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com <mailto:vantage%40yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Thu, 7 January, 2010 15:48:36
Subject: RE: [Vantage] E9 Issues

> We just started seeing this since the New Year. I ran 6430 today and
> minutes, the Part Tracker and Time Phase values are wrong, i.e. the part's
> warehouse QOH does not total the bin QOH. I'm just getting the
> together to open a ticket.

Epicor suggested that I restart the appServers. So I shutdown the database,
(truncated the BI since I could), started the database and the main server,
ran 6430, again while nobody was on, and waited until this morning. So far,
so good.

Mark W.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]