E9: Cannot post a Time and Material invoice

Thanks for the reply.
I do have a sales order tied to the project on the Contract -> Project Billing -> Time & Material and Cost Plus -> Details tab.
The one field that caught my eye on the sales order lines tab is the field called Time/Materials Billing. Should this be checked?

Also, am I looking for anything particular on the customers billing parameters?

Epicor Applications Manager
DIRECT: 508.597.1392 x1625 | MOBILE: 774.826.9245

From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2016 1:17 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] Re: E9: Cannot post a Time and Material invoice

check the link to the sales order customer? and also the customer billing parameters

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Hi All,




I’m working with support but so far they are stumped so I thought I would reach out to the group.

I am testing the project management module to see if it would be a good way to manage our Time and Materials business.

I’ve been following the training material for Project Management and Project Billing and so far its looking good and I am at the point of trying to post my first T&M invoice.

Everything looks good on the invoice. The edit list will print and balances but when I try to post, the invoice does not post and there is no initial error.

I checked the box to manually review each AR Invoice transaction in GL Transaction Type so that I could see if I could find anything in the review journal.

All looked good there but when I went to confirm the review journal, I got a “see appserver log” error.

The appserver log just says: (Procedure: 'projPartTranReverse pe/AR_InvoicePost_Post.p' Line:63719) ** "prjPartTranInvcCreate" was not found. (293)


Support has had no luck so far.

“'projPartTranReverse” has be thinking that it might have something to do with Revenue Recognition Journal Reversal field on the project but I don’t know enough to know what this field does.


Anyone have any insight?




Epicor Applications Manager


Advancing Your Innovations For Health

261 Cedar Hill Street  |  Marlborough, MA 01752
DIRECT: 508.597.1392 x1625  |  MOBILE: 774.826.9245

EMAIL: JoRojas@...  |  WEB: ventionmedical.com




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check the link to the sales order  customer? and also the customer billing parameters