Jose C Gomez
T: 904.469.1524 mobile
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 4:55 PM, marcus@... [vantage] <> wrote:
Â<div> <p>I figured it out (with a lot of help from the people above):</p><div></div><div>Use the Part BO and the Update Method.</div><div>In the Pre-Processing tab, create the following action (no conditions):</div><div>
synchronously execute ABL using the following code:
For each ttPart no-lock  where ttpart.RowMod ='A', Each PartClass no-lock where (PartClass.Company = ttPart.Company and PartClass.ClassID = ttPart.ClassID ).      set ttPart.CheckBox01 = PartClass.Checkbox01.      set ttPart.CheckBox02 = PartClass.Checkbox02.      set ttPart.CheckBox03 = PartClass.Checkbox03.      set ttPart.CheckBox04 = PartClass.Checkbox04.      set ttPart.CheckBox05 = PartClass.Checkbox05.      set ttPart.CheckBox06 = PartClass.Checkbox06.End.In the Post-Processing tab, create the following:In the conditions tab:method changed the ttPart.ClassID field using the query, for each ttPart no-lock, from any to anyIn the actions tab:synchronously execute ABL using the following code:for each PartClass no-lock  ,  each ttPart no-lock  where (PartClass.Company = ttPart.Company and PartClass.ClassID = ttPart.ClassID ):set ttPart.CheckBox01 = PartClass.Checkbox01.set ttPart.CheckBox02 = PartClass.Checkbox02.set ttPart.CheckBox03 = PartClass.Checkbox03.set ttPart.CheckBox04 = PartClass.Checkbox04.set ttPart.CheckBox05 = PartClass.Checkbox05.set ttPart.CheckBox06 = PartClass.Checkbox06.End.I hope someone else finds this useful. Thanks again to each of the people who helped me, I really appreciate it. :)</div><div class="ygrps-yiv-586693501"> <div style="color:#fff;min-height:0;"></div>