E10 TaskAgent Report Preview Stuck at Pending

I have a BPM which auto-previews a Job Traveler based on a data directive. We recently upgraded from 10.1.400.7 to 10.1.400.31 (requiring re-installation of the Task Agent Service & redeploy of SSRS) since then the report gets placed into the Task Agent Active Task Panel, but gets stuck there with a state of “Pending”.

Manually running or previewing the report executes without error. We have re-compiled the BPM’s and restarted the service without success. They still seem to be stuck in the queue.

Has anybody else experienced this after an upgrade? Does anybody know if there any go-to answer book solutions which would cover this type of issue?

Is the the Epicor ICE Task Agent service running with the same domain account that it was before the reinstall?

after the re-install it was using a local system account, but that was changed to an account with pretty much domain admin rights, certainly the service has access to epicor db. All our sign ons are sso, thus our admin has linked it to an epicor account also. not sure if that would have an effect. that said, our user is not experiencing the issue anymore… :wink: standard.

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