E10 Sessions/License Usage

In 905 we developed a license usage monitor to notify us if we were close to our maximum licenses. We found this information in the 905 Sql Server tables. In E10 we have not been able to locate where Epicor stores the data. Does anyone know how we can access this information outside of the Admin Console?


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E10 relies upon an in-memory cache for list of sessions and license ‘reservations’. You can call the AdminSession API for this information.

And since it’s me - I use the REST API:

To get the User and Session type, pop this into a browser once REST is setup:


Thank you!

We’re running Epicor V10.0.700.4, which does not have the REST api. I was able to hook up to the AdminSession.svc and get the info I was looking for.

Thanks again for your help!

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I know this is an old thread, but could you explain how you did that for 10.0.700.4? We are running into license issues, but need to determine actual usage before buying more. Thank you,


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Also see this post: Tracking Epicor licence usage