E10 Print Services Stop - Proper Start

It is very rare that I have seen the print services stopping like they would in E9. In E9 I would restart specific App services to get it going again.

In E10 was is the proper way to restart printing if it locks up? I have just been clicking Recycle IIS Application Pool. Is this correct?


I generally just have to stop and restart the task agent. Just the agent, not the service.

Is this what you do? Click on agent you want to restart and then go to Actions > Restart Service

Stop Agent , then after it’s stopped, Start Agent

(obviously select the specific agent first)

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BTW - I have to do this when ever IT restarts the SQL server, but not the App server.

edit: Or restarts the App server before the SQL server

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Yes, if we reboot one we always do both just out of habit.

I typically to the Stop and Start but it locked up on me one day and had to reboot the server. I figured it was a fluke but just wanted to make sure I didn’t do something out of sequence.


I do occasionally have to restart the service, but its rare.

Yeah, we only had one issue since going live.