E10 How to show bubble custom text when a grid cell is clicked?


In a dashboard, when the cell contents exceed the cell width, the text is shown in a bubble (ok a square… ) .

I want to reproduce the same feature when a user would select the cell , I would show a custom text in a bubble/square at the cell location as Epicor does for cell contents.

How would I do that?



Something like this?

In the grid’s InitializeRow event, you can set args.Row.Cells[].ToolTipText.

Woahh stupid of me did not think of Tooltip !!! thanks yep it will do what I want!


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How can I change the font used in the ToolTipText ?

I dont see a font property on the UltraGridRow.ToolTipText property…perhaps someone has a clever way to render it though. This string is simply a string, as far as I can tell.

You could try this (for the font)

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Can you do this for a text box? I have a tracker with a text box displaying the job number from the row selected. I think it could be helpful to have a tool tip on the text box show up with an explanation of where that job number comes from, since they can’t type in that box.

I don’t see why not. ToolTips are built in to all .net Controls.

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