I am creating a BPM that I want to change the manifest info on an order when the ship to customer is changed. The issue I’m having is getting the ship to number I want to use in my ShipToMFBill table linking inside of the my BPM. The number I want is inside the Parameter ds inside of the BPM designer’s ‘Enter Custom Code’ screen. Basically I want to do what the code below is doing but I want to do with linking the ds.ShipToNum not the ttOrderHedRow.ShipToNum. I want to do this because i notice the BPM fires twice at times for the old and new shiptonum when they are being switched on an open order. However the ShipToNum i want is always the ShipToNum in the ds parameter, i just don’t know how to reference that in the BPM. Here is my current code:
Erp.Tables.OrderHed OrderHed;
Erp.Tables.ShipToMFBill ShipToMFBill;
foreach (var ttOrderHed_iterator in (from ttOrderHed_Row in ttOrderHed
select ttOrderHed_Row))
var ttOrderHedRow = ttOrderHed_iterator;
foreach (var ShipToMFBill_iterator in (from ShipToMFBill_Row in Db.ShipToMFBill
where ShipToMFBill_Row.Company == ttOrderHedRow.Company &&
ShipToMFBill_Row.CustNum == ttOrderHedRow.ShipToCustNum &&
ShipToMFBill_Row.ShipToNum == ttOrderHedRow.ShipToNum
select ShipToMFBill_Row))
ShipToMFBill = ShipToMFBill_iterator;
if(ShipToMFBill == null)
this.PublishInfoMessage("ShipToMFBill is null", Ice.Common.BusinessObjectMessageType.Information, Ice.Bpm.InfoMessageDisplayMode.Individual, "BusinessObjectName", "MethodName");
if(ShipToMFBill != null)
this.PublishInfoMessage("Not Null " + ttOrderHedRow.ShipToNum.ToString() , Ice.Common.BusinessObjectMessageType.Information, Ice.Bpm.InfoMessageDisplayMode.Individual, "BusinessObjectName", "MethodName");
ttOrderHedRow["PayFlag"] = ShipToMFBill.PayBTFlag;
ttOrderHedRow["PayAccount"] = ShipToMFBill.PayAccount;
ttOrderHedRow["PayBTAddress1"] = ShipToMFBill.PayBTAddress1;
ttOrderHedRow["PayBTAddress2"] = ShipToMFBill.PayBTAddress2;
ttOrderHedRow["PayBTAddress3"] = ShipToMFBill.PayBTAddress3;
ttOrderHedRow["PayBTCity"] = ShipToMFBill.PayBTCity;
ttOrderHedRow["PayBTState"] = ShipToMFBill.PayBTState;
ttOrderHedRow["PayBTZip"] = ShipToMFBill.PayBTZip;
ttOrderHedRow["PayBTCountry"] = ShipToMFBill.PayBTCountry;
ttOrderHedRow["PayBTPhone"] = ShipToMFBill.PayBTPhone;