E10 BPM on UD fields -- Error CS0234

Why are you addressing the UD Table? All your fields are in your main table once you've synced and regenerated the data model

On Jan 28, 2015 4:24 PM, "nicktu@... [vantage]" <vantage@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

  <p>Why do you need to access the UD table?  You should be able to access your UD fields on the main table itself, e.g. Customer or POHeader.  At least it seems to work for me and we&#39;re on 10.0.700.3.</p>


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I have tried using BPM's where there are UD fields (Customer_UD, POHeader_UD, etc.).  I cannot get past the Error CS0234.  This is version 10.0.700.3.

Epicor Technical Support tells me this is a known bug (SCR126425), but I have seen documentation on this supposedly being able to work.

The code line commented below throws me an error.  If I take out the line the BPM works fine.

-- BPM Code snippet --

Erp.Tables.RcvHead RcvHead;

Erp.Tables.POHeader POHeader;

/*Erp.Tables.POHeader_UD POHeader_UD;*/

There is at least one compilation error.

Exception caught in: Epicor.ServiceModel

Error Detail 


Description:  There is at least one compilation error.


Error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'POHeader_UD' does not exist in the namespace 'Erp.Tables' (are you missing an assembly reference?) [Receipt.Update.cs(316,12)]

Program:  Epicor.Customization.dll

Method:  PrepareException

Why do you need to access the UD table?  You should be able to access your UD fields on the main table itself, e.g. Customer or POHeader.  At least it seems to work for me and we're on 10.0.700.3.