Scenario: During the Customer Shipment Entry - Pack Out Process. Users want to receive a carton label upon selecting the action “Close”.
Issue: A “BT” file is not generated in the “Epicor3Data” directory
Copy Report Data Definition of “PackSlip” and exclude all labels and columns that are not needed for the label and keep columns for the relationships.
Create a copy of the original report style for pack slip
Set Report Location and Output location for report style regarding label and Integration Service
Create a standard data directive on “shiphead”
Condition is:
Auto Print is below:
Trace Log:
<BpmCustomization Source="DB" BpMethodCode="Erp.ShipHead" Type="Standard Trigger" Duration="253">
<BpmDirective Type="1" ID="3e32cb20-8846-4237-81f6-4332172e0053" Name="RAS_Carton_LBL" VisibilityScope="0" Duration="253" />