E10.1 "Open-With" CRM Call Log form

I have custom dashboards I would like to use the Open-With functionality to launch the CRM Call Log form. However, this table has a concatenated key fields, not a single column something like [CRMCall.Call_ID] that can be used in Context Menu Maintenance. Ideas how to make this work?

Assuming your using a BAQ… you could try in the BAQ editor:

  • Split the data into its own column
  • use the Field attribute editor and add the appropriate “Like” type (I don’t know that that if for CRM call but you can get it by interrogating the field in a base screen by using the “Field Help” and going to technical detail)

Thought of another way that may work though it will take a bit of coding. This is possible when using buttons so there is a good change its possible using the context menu. The best way to think of it is that you have to throw the data from your row and catch it in a custom screen modification and process it as you want.

  1. Create a new Context Menu Maintenance call it CRM.Concat

  2. Add a new “Context Menu Item”. For the Process ID enter in a menu id of the CRMCall screen with a Customisation on it (Bare with me here)

  3. in the BAQ editor for that field set its like type as CRM.Concat

  4. On you screen mod add a new event for FORM_LOAD

  5. you will want to add some code like this to do what you want. The data will be in the LaucnhFormOptions, use Visual Studio to find out where.

private void _Load(object sender, EventArgs args) { // Add Event Handler Code if(Form.LaunchFormOptions != null) {

//object ctxValue = QuoteForm.LaunchFormOptions.ContextValue;
//object ctxValue = QuoteForm.LaunchFormOptions.ValueIn;
//do what you need to here

// May need to set the LaunchForm Options to null to try and stop the E10 application processing the call as std.

