E10.1 Classic - Theme and MES Button Issue - 1 user

We are using 10.1.600 classic view and have our plant names visible on all screens. There is 1 user that doesn’t see the names. We’ve purged all her personalizations, physically deleted her cache (both on RDP session and laptop), even did a reinstall. No change.

This individual also as the Report Quantity grayed out in MES even though she has the same options checked in the employee file as others that can see it.

She is not an admin or developer. We allow personalization, but even with all of hers purged we have the same problem.

Next step would be to delete the user account and give her a different one, but I’m trying to fix the root cause. Any ideas?


  • SOLVED -
    I did not realize people could select a different theme under Options > Preferences > Theming when we they didn’t have the them maintenance option. I cleared the Office2007 selected and picked the company distributed one. Not only did the plant title show up in the windows now, the Report Quantity button was active in MES too.