I’m in the process of uploading bills of materials (for the nth time) and running in to a brand new error. The error states:
Table ECOMtl Msg: Part UOM is required.
The only thing is I have the Part UOM Code (IUM actually) for every record in the reprocessed input file. I have almost 400,000 records that went in without issue, but these 10,000-15,000 records roughly are receiving this error.
Any ideas?
Please advise.
Thank you,
Jeff Henslee
M-B Companies Inc.
The PartUOM table is where UOM conversion are held. Is it possible there is another UOM that doesn’t exist or doesn’t have a conversion factor. Can you add the part to the bom in the Eng. Workbench?
UOM may not be the issue. Look for the record right before the UOM error and correct that. In my case I had a part record I did not bring over and for every bom that had that material, every material record after that failed with thee UOM error.
Just for clarity, are you saying that the DMT import threw 3 errors for every record that didn’t exist or did it throw errors for the 3 records AFTER the one in error? Please confirm.
Never mind - you are 100% correct. From my brief review, the material sequence that bombs out causes every other material record for the remainder of the BOM for that part to error out with the invalid UOM error.
If the missing part was mtl seq 45, every mtl seq on the after that would get a UOM error even though it was already there. When it got to the next BOM it would reset and not show again until it hit another BOM with the missing part.
Not so much a bug but definitely misleading error. There are couple of others like that as well that will send you looking in the wrong direction.
Importing PO headers
Error message: POHeader Msg: Invalid Supplier Contact
Spent way too much time looking thru the contacts trying to figure out the common link with the records generating this, turns out it was the Supplier table not having one of the Purchase points marked as Primary. After that it did not matter if there was a contact or not.
Importing Operations on jobs
Error Msg: Invalid Operation Standard ID
The Standard ID was on the import as well as on the operation itself. What DMT wanted was the field “OpStdDescription” for the import.