E10.1.500 Receive Time Oddness?

We are testing an upgrade from E10.0.700.4 to 10.1.500.14, and we’ve noticed that in E10.1 the due date of all of our jobs, when run through the scheduling engine (either in Job Entry or by MRP) are backed up a day. For instance, if a job has the required by date set to 10/13/2017, the due date will come out as 10/12/2017 - and that is with the receive time on the part set to zero (0). If you had receive time of 2 days, for instance, it would set the due date on the job to 10/10/2017 in E10.1.500.

Is anyone aware of some new company-wide receive time, or some change in the behavior of the scheduling engine from 10.0 to 10.1.500 that would explain this? We’ve determined that we could “work around” it by reducing the receive time on all our parts by one day, but many of them are already zero and there is not negative receive time allowed. :confused:



In case I forget to come back here, I opened a case with Epicor to ask them about this.

It’s to do with the job due time. When you put a job due date the time use to be defaulted to 23.59 on that day.

It looks as if they have changed it to be 00.00

This brings the scheduling forward by a day so the part will be ready for the start of the day you have entered as the due date.

Not sure if this can be changed or which is the correct.

Let me know if you know any more.



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Sorry, forgot to come back and update this, just as I had predicted. Anyhow, yes, it CAN be fixed globally via a setting in Site Maintenance:

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That’s brilliant thanks for posting the answer. :smile:

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Hi Adam

Have you noticed an issue with scheduling of unfirm jobs created from MRP if you change this field.

It seems to forward schedule from today’s date.

If you change the backward scheduling date back to 00:00 it backward schedules correctly.




So you are saying if you set that field in Site Maintenance, that MRP forward schedules all of your jobs from today’s date, rather than backwards scheduling them from some Required by Date or Due Date in the future? Could it be that you have un-met demand for PAST dates, and that you do not allow historical dates when you run MRP?

Hi Adam

No there was no un-met demand, just demand in the future. The actual jobs due date is correct it just forward schedules it. If you load the job manually it schedules correctly.

Although it is only on some jobs, we are multi-plant and use phantom bom’s. The only way we fixed it was to put the site time back to 00:00.

