E10.1.400 to E10.2.300 losing column order in client customizations

Curious if anyone else has lost customized list column order in client customizations when upgrading from E10.1 to E10.2. No errors, just does not bring the column order we have done in E10.1 over to E10.2. All other customization on a given client work as before. Best I can tell, not a single customization column order came over correctly.


We lost all Personalizations going from 10.0 -> 10.2.100, and 10.2.100 -> .200 but I don’t recall Customizations being an issue.

Mark W.

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In our conversion/uplift process from 9.05.702A to, all custom column order/visibility that differed from base was lost in every customized app.

Rob Brown

Wow, I’m stunned. Seems like core supported customizations and personalizations should be the most reliable things to come across. Have either of you brought this up to Epicor? If so, did they have a formal response?

Are you sure the customization order was actually even being used, and not a personalization?

I seem to recall (at least in V8) that there were a few tricks you had to do to set the “default” layout in a customization.

@ckrusen, yes, but good thought. These particular customizations were done after several people requested the order change which drove the decision to do them as a customization (so everyone could benefit) vs just updating their individual user personalizations. Yes also to the process. Had to create a “dummy” customization just to make this work.

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Most of our personalizations (column order) transferred from 10.0.700.4 to 10.2.200.x in our test environment. The ones that didn’t were due to using a different form in 10.2 vs 10.0… I think one was Job Tracker or Order Tracker…

@askulte, curious. Wonder what the root cause of some that do and others that don’t. The ones that failed for us were Mass Issue to Mfg, PO Suggestions and Serial Number Tracker.

We are currently experiencing this problem going from 10.1.600 to 10.2.500. All column layout changes were wiped from personalizations to base forms, customizations, and personalizations to customized forms. Did anyone find a work around?

I currently have a ticket open with Epicor for this matter as we have about 120 personalizations that would be impacted by this.

We did not find a work around. We had to recreate what was lost.

That is extremely rough and not something that would be reasonable given the number we are dealing with.

Did you open a ticket with Epicor support or did you just manually power through it?

We did call Epicor, but we just manually powered through it. It wasn’t fun.