E10.0.700.4 Running very slow. Processor maxed

While I was out of the office today E10 started running very slow. We have been live since March and have had Nathan at Epicor support fine tune the installation settings several months back. A call to support resulted in them sending a patch that fixed a memory leak but that doesn’t seem to be the problem because right after restarting the CPU goes over 90% and stays there.

Running both E10 and SQL on separate virtual vmware servers. I can bump the processors up but since we have been running well for 9 months I assume it will just use up whatever processor I throw at it.

Anyone run into this?

What’s using the CPU. SQL or the Appserver

App server. IIS worker process is using over 90%

Have you ever used a product like Process Explorer - Sysinternals | Microsoft Learn or Process Hacker before? You can get more details on what exactly has that CPU usage ramped up. You might also want to try and kill Task Agent and see if it settles down. I’ve also seen it where bad data/bug in Epicor will ramp up the CPU by way of SQL queries.

w3wp.exe is the process. Stopping the Task Agent didn’t change anything.

Bad data reminded me that last night I ran the conversion to fix a customer that was causing the TotOpenOrders invalid error.

Just for kicks check out the database for some hints run DBCC OPENTRAN and see how long the last open transaction was running. Also look to this post for info on how to tell how long other SPIDs are running sql server - How to get CPU usage by database for particular instance? - Database Administrators Stack Exchange

DBCC OPENTRAN showed no open transactions. Reading through the link.

that process showed that our production server is causing the huge load (90757835 rows returned). I was working on enterprise search management a couple days ago. Now the Search Server doesn’t show in the Admin Console. Possibly related?

using Sysinternals or Process hacker can you figure out which library is drawing all that

I have process hacker running. Not sure where to see the library

Whew…back to full speed. The process that I had left running to fix the customer TotOpenOrders error was hung up on my computer. I would have thought that would have cleared when the server was restarted.

Thanks for the help Joshua!

I have always found most user run conversions in the workbench can cause problems. It’s best to run these after hours just in case something goes wrong.

I have one conversion where the status has been stuck on “started” for months, doesn’t seem to be causing issues, but still, I think these conversions are mostly half-baked.