
Good morning,
We are having problems running our Stock Status Report. I have reported it to support and there is a large case they are working on.

However, in the meantime I am poking around the kinetic version of Stock Status, and in the … menu I see “E-Signatures”. I haven’t heard about this before. Can anyone tell me what it is, how to use it, or anything else about it? There is a dashboard I am working on that I would love to use some kind of e-signature in.

Digital electronic signatures, or ESignatures, ensure individuals who enter or update company records are authorized to make these changes. ESignatures are required in some industries, such as the medical device industry, to pass regulatory audits.

Indicate which individuals can electronically sign records within User Account Security Maintenance. Then create Business Process Management (BPM) Method directives that require ESignatures when users update specific records, such as receipts. Then run the ESignature Audit Report to review the electronic signatures entered into the system.

Use ESignatures to:

  • Determine which users at your company have authorization to electronically sign records.
  • Set up which database transactions require ESignatures.
  • Require ESignatures when users save these database transactions.
  • Review and audit the ESignatures entered into the system.

You can only use ESignatures in the Kinetic browser. You cannot use ESignatures in either the Classic or the Kinetic smart client.

Basically once you save it will require you to Login again to confirm its your with a Password, once you do that you have “Electronically Signed it” and it shows up in an Audit Log.

Reminds me of BPM Holds, just a way to make sure someone “Signs off” on something, and takes Accountability.


This sounds pretty cool. Is there a cost to implement any of this functionality, or is it native? We have an inspection log that we would like users to “sign-off” once they have entered a record. Ideally, we want a way so that only the authorized user can sign-off. This sounds like a good option for that. Thanks!

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I checked in live Kinetic in browser. I don’t see a group called ESignatureApprovers. Do I need to create the group?

I think you just create perhaps any group. But also this is only in 2022.2.

I am on 2022.2.3 in live now. If I create that group, will the sign-off functionality be attached to it automatically?

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Just open up the Application Help and search for E-Signatures they have a section on it in the help files how to configure it. It may mention something.

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I got to page 6 of over 1000 pages of results. Nothing in the top six pages mention e-signatures, digital signatures, or electronic signatures. Is there another search term? I would like to learn more about the feature.




I was able to use that documentation to setup a basic esignature system. This proof of concept shows it is possible. I have a few places I would like to use this feature. I’ll make a new post later on when I get it up and running. I am nervous to use this feature as I am not sure how stable it is.

Just so I’m clear, what this does is require the password of an approved e-signer at the time of the transaction? To really prove it is the logged in user.

As opposed to just assuming the person initiating the transaction is the currently logged in user?

Can you have a transaction that a non-signer initiates, that then requires a signer to approve? Kind of like when installing a program and Windows pops up the request for the username and password for someone with admin rights.

I’m trying to figure out the differences/advantages over process security and change logging.

And is there the danger of requiring e-signing on a transaction, and that transaction is initiated by the system (or user BPM), causing the transaction to fail as it is initiated on the server and not by a user?

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Ohhh! All great questions, Calvin! I am not sure I am the person to answer, but in my testing I put the esignature widget on a method, and when the method fires, the standard epicor user/pass dialog pops up. I believe that this requires the current user to reauthenticate. I am not sure if this could be used to authenticate another user. I will post back as I learn more. I am curious if other folks use this feature.