Dynamically Change Timezone

In Stage Ship Confirm (for MasterPacks) you can offset the Ship Date by 1,2, or 3 days. This works by passing a parameter “Less1Day”, “Less2Day” to the BO which has an IF statement for each possible choice. This then takes CompanyTime.Today() from Epicor.Ice and offsets it by 1,2, or 3 days. CompanyTime.Today is just Now() combined with SysCompanyCache.GetCompanyByCompanyID(companyId).TimeZoneID;

The issue with this is if a Master Pack is not marked shipped within 3 days of it shipping you cannot ship it in less days.

Since I cannot change the calculations of the shipment days, what are the chances that I could dynamically change the Timezone offset to something like 96 hours in the SysCompanyCache?