When we create emails in BPM’s, we can specify most of the email info (From, To, Subject etc)
But I have been starting to use the AutoPrint widget, in order to send a modified Sales Ack report in PDF format directly to the Shipping company, via e-mail.
My problem is that I would have wanted the ability to write in the subject the order number, but moreover be able to specify the From address.
Currently we use internally the global alert email setting to be Epicor@ourcompany.com Users getting such email know it is comming from Epicor.
The problem is the same email from is used for the emailing of the AutoPrint report as well, with no way to modify it in the settings !
I would want to use in this case, a different From email address. (like Expedition@mycompany.com )
How can I achieve this? My first thoughts would be to write in the SysCompany table , change the GlobalAlertFrom and label , make the send of the report, write back the original info…
lots of hassle but do not know any other way…
Anyone would care to share any thoughts?