I am looking for a way to trigger the update to and run the dynamic query once the part is retrieved on part tracker. I am using the data view binding for the field but i can get the after field change to trigger. Not sure what i can do. This does work when I click on a button and it runs correctly.
txtPartNum = (EpiTextBox)csm.GetNativeControlReference("7f272d9b-8a8e-4b95-9443-aaf76575b655");
DynamicQueryAdapter dqa = new DynamicQueryAdapter(oTrans);
QueryExecutionDataSet qeds = dqa.GetQueryExecutionParametersByID("PricelistDataView");
ugPartPriceList.DataSource = dqa.QueryResults.Tables["Results"];
(Bruce Ordway)
August 26, 2021, 4:46pm
Wondering if a BAQDataView might work - publish/subscribe?
Here are a couple topics on BAQDataView
Hello, I am new to Epicor customization so I might need some hand holding here. I have .Net, SQL and VB experience but not much in C# or Linq. Hopefully this is doable.
So what I am trying to do is, the users want to be able to see the related orders on the first screen of the Quote/Opportunity screen. I know you can get to them from the Lines > Related Orders grid but they want to see it on the Summary sheet. Also this is a good step to get my feet wet in this.
So what I am thinking is I…
Here’s an example video of how to do a BAQ dataview.
BAQ Dataviews are a great way to view related data onto a screen in Epicor. If you can link the data on the screen to the data you want to display in a BAQ you can display it. They are faster and more flexible than FKVs or embedded dashboards.
[Epicor BAQ DataView]
and the code.
public void CreateOrderLineOnHandBAQDV()
orderLineOnHandBAQDV = new BAQDataView("OrderLineOnHand");
Thanks for the reply yeah did see that and found it on one of @josecgomez you tube videos and it made the solution work thanks.